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Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST.

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Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST. Empty Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST.

Post by Sheriff1962 7/12/2018, 8:51 pm

I finally tool out my 2006 952-2 five inch and shot it at 25 yards ( will take it to 50 this weekend).
Once the sight were adjusted for six o'clock hold , I fired 10 rounds resting my arms on the bench. No sandbags, rests , etc.
All ten rounds nicely filled the X ring ! Cant wait to take it to 50.


Is 147JHP ammo known to be accurate in match grade 9mm pistols?
What barrel twist do You think S&W used in 952-2?
Anyone shoots 952 at 50 yards regularly ? Who ammo are You using?

Thank You .


Posts : 176
Join date : 2018-07-04

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Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST. Empty Re: Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST.

Post by LenV 7/12/2018, 9:19 pm

Yes, 18.75:1, yes and I prefer the 115gr XTP, HAP or Zero JHP's. But I also have a lot of 147gr ammo, RNBT, XTP and L-FP. All of the 147's will hold X at 25yds but I had to go to the 115's to hold X at 50. That 18.75 twist needs a bunch of velocity.


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Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST. Empty Re: Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST.

Post by Sheriff1962 7/12/2018, 9:46 pm

Knowing how federal 147HST did at 25 yards, how from Your experience it  How much better do You think Atlanta 115FMJ should do?


Posts : 176
Join date : 2018-07-04

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Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST. Empty Re: Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST.

Post by LenV 7/12/2018, 9:58 pm

There is probably nothing wrong with the FMJ. When I was chasing LEG points with a 9mm (M9) I only found one FMJ that had a good enough base on it to shoot good groups at 50 and that was the Sierra Tournament Master. I have no idea what Atlanta uses for their RN bullets. I like the Hornady 147gr RNBT because the Boat tail have great bases. Atlanta makes a JHP that shoot very good and would have no problem expecting them to hold 10 or X ring. I have never tested their FMJ bullet.


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Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST. Empty Re: Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST.

Post by Sheriff1962 7/12/2018, 10:06 pm

Great . Thank You. I will test Federal 147HST at 50 yards and see what happens.


Posts : 176
Join date : 2018-07-04

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Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST. Empty Re: Smith and Wesson 952-2 and Federal 147HST.

Post by LenV 7/12/2018, 10:13 pm

In the for what it is worth category. Just 3 hours ago Mass Ammo sent me a flyer on HST ammo. Apparently they are having a sale. Good timing.


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Join date : 2014-01-24
Age : 74
Location : Oregon

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