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A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator

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A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator Empty A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator

Post by JLK 8/6/2012, 7:08 am

Have any of you that use the Star sizer/lubricator found any 50 yd accuracy advantage
by sizing the bullet base first instead of nose first?

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A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator Empty Re: A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator

Post by Dave C. 8/11/2012, 7:39 am

With the correct top punch. Base first.

Dave C.
Dave C.

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Join date : 2011-06-13

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A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator Empty Re: A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator

Post by xring2245 9/7/2012, 10:19 pm

If the bullet is properly sized, then no. Any issues with sizing technique will probably affect the bullet's acuracy.


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A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator Empty Re: A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator

Post by WV1911SHOOTER 9/8/2012, 9:37 am

May I ask what lube you guys prefer ?



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A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator Empty Re: A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator

Post by JLK 9/8/2012, 10:34 am

For .45 H&G 068's and 130's.
I have always used "NRA Lube", 50/50 beeswax and Alox. For years
in my Lyman 450 and now my Star Lubrisizer.

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A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator Empty Re: A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator

Post by xring2245 9/8/2012, 7:26 pm

I have two Star lubrisizers - one with Alox 50/50 for smokeless powder loads and the other has SPG lube for black powder bullets. The difference isn't so much for accuracy, but the SPG helps to keep BP fouling to a minimum.



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Join date : 2012-09-06
Age : 63
Location : Hunterdon County, NJ

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A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator Empty Re: A question for those that use a Star sizer/lubricator

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