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Learned a new expression: "First Leather"

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Learned a new expression: "First Leather" Empty Learned a new expression: "First Leather"

Post by mspingeld 7/17/2018, 8:10 am

Missed my first EIC points in Ohio by one spot....TWICE!


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Learned a new expression: "First Leather" Empty Re: Learned a new expression: "First Leather"

Post by Wobbley 7/17/2018, 8:52 am

Good.  It means you're consistent. Next time you might get some points.

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Join date : 2015-02-13

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Learned a new expression: "First Leather" Empty Re: Learned a new expression: "First Leather"

Post by Chris Miceli 7/17/2018, 10:02 am

Don't feel bad about being the first leather... it all uphill from here.

a nicer way of say first looser =]

Chris Miceli

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Learned a new expression: "First Leather" Empty Re: Learned a new expression: "First Leather"

Post by john bickar 7/17/2018, 9:25 pm

It really hurts when you get First Leather while sitting on 24 points.

It hurts even more when you do it three times.
john bickar
john bickar

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Learned a new expression: "First Leather" Empty Re: Learned a new expression: "First Leather"

Post by Wobbley 7/17/2018, 9:51 pm

There was a guy shooting Highpower up in Washington State.  Had 26 points when I got my first leg.  I legged out before him.  When the monkey gets on your back he can beat you up something fierce.

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Learned a new expression: "First Leather" Empty Re: Learned a new expression: "First Leather"

Post by john bickar 7/18/2018, 12:21 am

Wobbley wrote:There was a guy shooting Highpower up in Washington State.  Had 26 points when I got my first leg.  I legged out before him.  When the monkey gets on your back he can beat you up something fierce.
I hope you thanked him for being a leg donor for you.
john bickar
john bickar

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Learned a new expression: "First Leather" Empty Re: Learned a new expression: "First Leather"

Post by Wobbley 7/18/2018, 9:57 am

Only shot a leg match with him once, IIRC.  That was his major issue, he’d only shoot the leg matches.  In his day he was a high master level shooter.

Posts : 4875
Join date : 2015-02-13

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Learned a new expression: "First Leather" Empty Re: Learned a new expression: "First Leather"

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