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Prototype Pistol: 9mm, fixed barrel, gas-delayed blowback

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Prototype Pistol: 9mm, fixed barrel, gas-delayed blowback Empty Prototype Pistol: 9mm, fixed barrel, gas-delayed blowback

Post by Slartybartfast Thu Jul 19, 2018 10:03 am

And talk about low bore axis...

The Laugo Arms Alien Pistol
Videos and photo shamelessly taken from threads on other forums.

Prototype Pistol: 9mm, fixed barrel, gas-delayed blowback 77701588458b1a84d8efc8854656d305
Prototype Pistol: 9mm, fixed barrel, gas-delayed blowback 153090268375

Posts : 694
Join date : 2016-11-11
Age : 53
Location : Montreal, Québec

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