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Strange day at the range

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Strange day at the range Empty Strange day at the range

Post by cdrt 7/28/2018, 2:38 pm

Today was our every-other Saturday outdoor 1800.  We've been starting at 8:00 to beat the heat.

During the .22 slow fire match, I had an Aquila Target round go poof.  The dot was dead center when the shot broke. The slide did not come back and when I checked the target, it was a six down at 6 o'clock.  At least it hit a scoring ring. I've been trying to shoot this stuff up, but switched to TAC-22 after the poof round.

Then I had two alibis for failure to eject; one during timed fire and one during rapid.  I changed guns.  When I got home, I checked the extractor on the Model 41, just dirty, but reminded me to check things a little better before a match, even a local one.

One of the guys was shooting a 9mm Range Officer.  He had a sort of poof reload that went downrange, but did not operate the slide.  Looking at the empty, it appeared the primer failed, allowing some of the gas to exit the rear of the cartridge.

We have one new shooter.  He was using a Ruger Mk IV with an Ultradot.  Partway through, I saw him packing up his stuff.  I asked what the problem was and he said his dot was out.  Sounds like a battery change was in order but he did not have a spare.  I grabbed one from the gun box and we got him back in the game.

Then during Centerfire, he got a bullet stuck in his Springfield XD.  Again, a quick fix, but he got discouraged, packed up and left.  We'll check his stuff next time and make sure he is ready to go.

Of course, to start things off, the turning targets would not turn.  I went down and cussed at the mechanism and first try, they started working.  I guess it just needed a little Navy lingo. Wink 

Anyway, if anyone is in the Amarillo area, we have two Saturday 1800's; August 11 and August 25.  These are club matches, so the scores are not sent in to the NRA.  Cost is $5 just to pay for the targets and electricity.

Posts : 857
Join date : 2016-04-12
Location : Amarillo, Texas

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Strange day at the range Empty Re: Strange day at the range

Post by Ghillieman 7/29/2018, 7:26 pm

Somedays are like that. I hope the new guy returns. When you get your fall schedule set for Amarillo please advertise it on TPPN. Cant wait for the next chance I get to shoot on your new range!

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Join date : 2012-02-14
Location : TEXAS

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Strange day at the range Empty Re: Strange day at the range

Post by cdrt 7/29/2018, 9:04 pm

The dates are set for the indoor pistol league starting Sunday, October 7 and every other Sunday after that.  The dates are posted on the club calendar at www.amarillorpc.com.

We are in the process of doing a major upgrade to the outdoor range now that we finished the new protection berms.  We are going to modify the target holders at the 25 and 50 yard lines so we can use target frames similar to the ones they use at Midland and OKC.  That work will start in October, I hope, and should be finished pretty quickly.

I think the outdoor state match is going to be a Wichita Falls next year.  I still have to check on getting some raffle tickets made up for that upper/lower that I won at Midland; something to check on this week.  Been kind of busy with other stuff.

Posts : 857
Join date : 2016-04-12
Location : Amarillo, Texas

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