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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Chris Miceli
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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by zanemoseley Sat Jul 28, 2018 8:02 pm

Was talking with some shooting buddies about springs. I think everyone has a minimum weigh which they won't go under for fear of reliability. My minimum has been 10# but had one of my friends say he won't use 10# springs.

So what is the minimum you'll go before you just start adding more powder.


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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by Chris Miceli Sat Jul 28, 2018 8:23 pm

Things like hammer spring and firing pin stop radius matter

Chris Miceli

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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by mspingeld Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:52 am

Your accurate load of choice also comes into the conversation.


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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by orpheoet Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:32 am

I use the lightest spring that will reliably run the gun. With my EIC pistol it's 15 lbs, with my wadgun it's 9lbs, Colt .38 Wadcutter 1911 is 7lbs. As others have said there are other variables that influence how low you can go. Mainly what you're shooting through the gun.

Last edited by orpheoet on Sun Jul 29, 2018 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total

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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by zanemoseley Sun Jul 29, 2018 10:18 am

Its interesting what people view as reliable and not reliable. Like my master buddy won't use a 10# spring but Orpheoet appears to have had luck with 9# springs. I've been trying to stay at 10# or higher.

I'm just trying to get a strategy for loading a new KC wad gun I bought from Chris.

My Jon built 45 with a 9000sc needs 4.2 grains under a Magnus 801 to cycle with a 10# spring due the the weight and a super tight barrel lock up. The KC gun also has a 9000sc but has lightening cuts and the lock up isn't so tight (not saying it isn't fit well) and with the same load appears may run with up to a 13# spring.

The 4.2 WST load is pretty hot but I was ok with it in Jon's gun because it needed it and the recoil isn't bad. In KC's gun it feels like I'm exposing myself to added recoil, the 13# spring may tame it but need to experiment more. I may experience another load like 3.8 WST which should still be plenty accurate.

In the past I've tried to stick with just 1 match load that will run both guns. This may be an instance where its smarter to run separate loads for each gun.


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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by Chris Miceli Sun Jul 29, 2018 10:22 am

Change weight of mainspring

Chris Miceli

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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by orpheoet Sun Jul 29, 2018 10:40 am

I meant to say LIGHTEST spring that reliably runs the gun! I edited my response as such. I'm using 160gr swc with 4.3gr WST in the wadgun.

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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by zanemoseley Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:32 am

Chris Miceli wrote:Change weight of mainspring

Which would you test?


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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by Chris Miceli Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:38 am

zanemoseley wrote:
Chris Miceli wrote:Change weight of mainspring

Which would you test?

Chris Miceli

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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by Dr.Don Sun Jul 29, 2018 3:19 pm

If the recoil spring is tooooo light the guns doesn't go into battery correctly every time and you can get vertical stringing. On a 45 with slide mounted optics I try to stay at 10 lbs or above.

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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

Post by troystaten Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:34 am

From what I know (not nearly as much as others) the main spring weight can vary a lot depending upon how the gun is put together.  My Salyer built gun that has since been rebuilt by another smith uses an 8 pound spring (has a slide mount aimpoint sight) and functions well with 3.8 grains of bulleye and a 185 grain lead swc.  I don't get any vertical stringing and at 25 yards any shots that are not in the X on a B-8 target is strictly due to my lack of skill.


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What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45. Empty Re: What's the minimum spring weight you use in a 1911/45.

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