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Dry firing with eyes closed

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Dry firing with eyes closed Empty Dry firing with eyes closed

Post by oldsalt444 7/30/2018, 8:49 pm

I attended the Advanced Small Arms Firing School at Camp Perry this year.  There was a panel of some of the best shooters in the country answering questions, including John Zurek, James Henderson, SFC Sokolowski, Jonathan Shue and one other whose name escapes me.  It turns out this unnamed shooter mentioned that dry firing with your eyes closed seems to be a fix for just about anything that ails your shooting.  Has anyone here heard of this technique, and why it works?

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Dry firing with eyes closed Empty Re: Dry firing with eyes closed

Post by jmdavis 7/30/2018, 9:31 pm

I’ve heard it from a lot of Marines. Not necessarily as the solution to all problems but as a path to really learning your trigger, which solves many problems. The same people told me about blank wall dryfire and shooting blank targets.

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Dry firing with eyes closed Empty Re: Dry firing with eyes closed

Post by dronning 7/30/2018, 9:46 pm

I think it was Zins who said he would sit in a chair in the quiet and dark, his pistol on his leg and dry fire while trying to sense every micron of trigger movement.
- Dave

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Dry firing with eyes closed Empty Re: Dry firing with eyes closed

Post by Jon Eulette 7/30/2018, 10:27 pm

Yes I have heard of this before back in the early 90s. Darius Young used to do this. It was all about knowing your trigger. There’s a huge difference between a trigger job on a high masters pistol and otherwise. The high masters really know their triggers. They’ve developed the feel and they know what they like. Unfortunately most shooters never put that kind of time in, so they will never know the benefit. 
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Jon Eulette

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Dry firing with eyes closed Empty Re: Dry firing with eyes closed

Post by Jack H 7/31/2018, 1:53 am

LtC Miller had me do this in the early 70s.  He retired in 1963 and before that had certification to instruct at the 1958 SAFS
He was my coach and mentor for about 5 years
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Dry firing with eyes closed Empty Re: Dry firing with eyes closed

Post by Jack H 7/31/2018, 2:30 am

More detail:   LtC Miller trained with standing in position addressing the target.  The gun is empty for dryfire, but this not really a dryfire drill.  Stand and raise to the target.  Glance to see if you are close to position on target than close eyes and "visualize and feel" the final position.
 Further the drill and actually dryfire before opening eyes to see sights.  The better this drill goes the better the sights will be.
Note though, my training then was more for freepistol.
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Jack H

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