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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Chris Miceli
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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911 Empty Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Post by Sheriff1962 8/6/2018, 2:06 pm

I want to replace super wide thumb safety on my Les Baer PII.  Any recommendations? I am looking at WC. They offer two different sizes .


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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911 Empty Re: Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Post by Chris Miceli 8/6/2018, 2:15 pm

 since i'm a lefty and don't rest my thumb on the safety i like egw gi 

Chris Miceli

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Location : Northern Virginia

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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911 Empty Re: Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Post by Sheriff1962 8/6/2018, 2:44 pm

Looked at EGW. Ended up with BP narrow WC.  Looks good and not wide. The wide LB safety relay is uncomfortable.


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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911 Empty Re: Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Post by orpheoet 8/6/2018, 3:00 pm

Personally I prefer the WC wide thumb safety because I do rest my thumb on it. I vastly prefer it on my EIC gun.

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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911 Empty Re: Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Post by apipeguy 8/6/2018, 7:07 pm

I went with Wilson’s wide safety on my PII. Very happy with it.

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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911 Empty Re: Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Post by lablover 8/6/2018, 7:07 pm

Ok, all thru the military I always rested my thumb on the safety.  Always did it as a civilian as well.  My first BE practice I was told by several salty dogs that was a nono...as it would affect my shooting.  So, no or ok?

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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911 Empty Re: Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Post by Chris Miceli 8/6/2018, 8:09 pm

lablover wrote:Ok, all thru the military I always rested my thumb on the safety.  Always did it as a civilian as well.  My first BE practice I was told by several salty dogs that was a nono...as it would affect my shooting.  So, no or ok?

Most the best shooters I know not only rest on the safety but add forward and downward pressure as well

Chris Miceli

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Join date : 2015-10-27
Location : Northern Virginia

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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911 Empty Re: Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Post by lablover 8/6/2018, 8:21 pm

Chris Miceli wrote:
lablover wrote:Ok, all thru the military I always rested my thumb on the safety.  Always did it as a civilian as well.  My first BE practice I was told by several salty dogs that was a nono...as it would affect my shooting.  So, no or ok?

Most the best shooters I know not only rest on the safety but add forward and downward pressure as well
I may go back to it then...might have to adjust my load because the slide drags along my thumb.  Then again, the new grip seems to be doing well too.  I need to decide and stick with it

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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911 Empty Re: Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Post by Chris Miceli 8/6/2018, 8:45 pm

lablover wrote:
Chris Miceli wrote:
lablover wrote:Ok, all thru the military I always rested my thumb on the safety.  Always did it as a civilian as well.  My first BE practice I was told by several salty dogs that was a nono...as it would affect my shooting.  So, no or ok?

Most the best shooters I know not only rest on the safety but add forward and downward pressure as well
I may go back to it then...might have to adjust my load because the slide drags along my thumb.  Then again, the new grip seems to be doing well too.  I need to decide and stick with it
yes, your thumb interfering with slide operation is definitely a no no. Just find what is comfortable and works for you.

Chris Miceli

Posts : 2715
Join date : 2015-10-27
Location : Northern Virginia

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Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911 Empty Re: Thumb safety on a bullseye 1911

Post by rich.tullo 8/6/2018, 11:53 pm

I shoot with my finger low because a high hold interferes with my trigger finger.

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