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Newbie to CMP Pistol

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Newbie to CMP Pistol Empty Newbie to CMP Pistol

Post by nycstripes 8/17/2012, 2:57 pm

Hello folks.

I am sure this question gets kicked a lot but I guess its just my turn to ask. I see that there are a few ways to go with shooting NRA/CMP pistol matches but my ultimate goal is to chase after a Distinguished Pistol badge. I have a few points towards a rifle badge and the sports are contagious.

My questions are these.
I am considering a Les Baer Hardball as my primary CMP pistol. Is this a good place to start as far as a CMP legal handgun. I have a Springfield Trophy Match 1911, is it worth it to have it worked upon to get it up and running or just go with the Les Baer?

I also see that shooters are also shooting Wad guns and 22s.

For what purpose are the other handguns being used? I have a S&W Mod41 which would serve well in a 22 class but what's the wad gun used for?




Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-08-17
Location : NY

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Newbie to CMP Pistol Empty Re: Newbie to CMP Pistol

Post by gulliver62 8/17/2012, 3:06 pm

You are talking about 2 different but related animals.

Your 41 and Wad guns for for Bullseye (NRA competitions)
This can explain better than I can.

CMP/EIC only uses the 'Service Pistol' which is the 9mm Beretta or a .45 either externally substantially equivalent to the actual as issued pistol but significant internal modifications allowed. Like Service Rifle.

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Join date : 2011-10-27
Location : Atlanta, GA

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Newbie to CMP Pistol Empty Re: Newbie to CMP Pistol

Post by nycstripes 8/17/2012, 7:08 pm



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Join date : 2012-08-17
Location : NY

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Newbie to CMP Pistol Empty Re: Newbie to CMP Pistol

Post by DavidR 8/18/2012, 8:01 am

Les Baer makes a awesome accurate ball gun, ive owned 3 and all came with sub 3'' test targets. a 1911 with specs that follow the rule book ( your Springfield is not legal as is)or a beretta 92 is all you can use for cmp.

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Age : 70
Location : NRA:Expert, Georgia

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