Looking for Optometrist in Pennsylvania
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Looking for Optometrist in Pennsylvania
Does anyone know of an Optometrist in PA who understands how to work with shooters? I live in the SE PA (Valley Forge) area-I'm willing to drive an hour or two each way if I have to.
I'm trying to get the right RX to prevent the double red dot image I'm seeing now, I do have a correction for astigmatism in my recent (January 2018) RX but I think I have to bring in my equipment or build a pistol mockup with a red dot and adjustable rail on it to replicate my Bullseye guns. I want a guy who can read Dr. Norman Wong's guidelines and make them work for me and my red dot Bullseye guns!
For years, I've been able to determine my Iron Sight RX from my annual eye exam Rx and adjust the plus add on with set of test lenses I bought specifically for this purpose. I then have a lab grind me a set of lenses for my shooting glasses I use both Decots and Knoblochs depending on the discipline and pistol I'm using. Decots grinds the lenses for their frames and Art at Shooting Sight LLC grinds the Knobloch lenses for me- he also sold me the test lens strip. They both do excellent work-I highly recommend them both!
The red dot RX for Bullseye is the one giving me trouble, I have a -.025 Cyl and 075 Axis for the astigmatism but something is wrong. It's the same in my work/everyday glasses and I get the double red dot too.
It's driving me nuts! Long ago my distance Rx worked fine with a red dot but today is a different story.
Craig B
I'm trying to get the right RX to prevent the double red dot image I'm seeing now, I do have a correction for astigmatism in my recent (January 2018) RX but I think I have to bring in my equipment or build a pistol mockup with a red dot and adjustable rail on it to replicate my Bullseye guns. I want a guy who can read Dr. Norman Wong's guidelines and make them work for me and my red dot Bullseye guns!
For years, I've been able to determine my Iron Sight RX from my annual eye exam Rx and adjust the plus add on with set of test lenses I bought specifically for this purpose. I then have a lab grind me a set of lenses for my shooting glasses I use both Decots and Knoblochs depending on the discipline and pistol I'm using. Decots grinds the lenses for their frames and Art at Shooting Sight LLC grinds the Knobloch lenses for me- he also sold me the test lens strip. They both do excellent work-I highly recommend them both!
The red dot RX for Bullseye is the one giving me trouble, I have a -.025 Cyl and 075 Axis for the astigmatism but something is wrong. It's the same in my work/everyday glasses and I get the double red dot too.
It's driving me nuts! Long ago my distance Rx worked fine with a red dot but today is a different story.
Craig B
CraigB5940- Posts : 199
Join date : 2018-01-26
Location : SE PA
Re: Looking for Optometrist in Pennsylvania
Glad to see, I'm not the only one with such problem. And yes, after I had couple of red dots projecting as a diagonal lines on targets, and called Trijicon, I was politely suggested to find good eye doctor. So I did. Unfortunately, Craig, this doctor practices and shoots in IL. Nevertheless, if you are interested, I will be happy to connect you with him (provided, I get his permission). I had two separate prescriptions (actually three - one isn't for shooting) for red dots, and irons sights. And yes, he had me come with slides to his office..... inside of Costco, in Cook County in IL. And I didn't get arrested!! My glasses were made in Costco as well, and work fine. Feel free to PM.
PhotoEscape- Admin
- Posts : 1563
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Location : Northern Illinois, USA
PhotoEscape I may PM you in the future
You gave me a good idea!
If all else fails, maybe I can bring a slide with the optic attached by rubber bands to a large dowel that I can screw into a wooden pistol grip.
Before the visit I'll have a family member at home transfer the distance from my eye to the red dot lens for both my 1911 BE pistol and my Pardini SP.
I think I can get this past my local OD if I can't find a guy locally who is a shooter or knows the shooting crowd's needs better than my local OD.
I may PM you to see if you had to compromise on an average distance from eye to lens for your pistols. I'm shooting a 1911 with Marvel 1 unit, 1911 45 and a Pardini SP in 22 and 32, the Pardini has the dot mounted farther towards the muzzle because I found it better to have a dot on each barrel than one dot on the frame and run the risk of dialing in the wrong correction between the .22 and Center Fire stages.
If all else fails, maybe I can bring a slide with the optic attached by rubber bands to a large dowel that I can screw into a wooden pistol grip.
Before the visit I'll have a family member at home transfer the distance from my eye to the red dot lens for both my 1911 BE pistol and my Pardini SP.
I think I can get this past my local OD if I can't find a guy locally who is a shooter or knows the shooting crowd's needs better than my local OD.
I may PM you to see if you had to compromise on an average distance from eye to lens for your pistols. I'm shooting a 1911 with Marvel 1 unit, 1911 45 and a Pardini SP in 22 and 32, the Pardini has the dot mounted farther towards the muzzle because I found it better to have a dot on each barrel than one dot on the frame and run the risk of dialing in the wrong correction between the .22 and Center Fire stages.
CraigB5940- Posts : 199
Join date : 2018-01-26
Location : SE PA
Re: Looking for Optometrist in Pennsylvania
Dr toller is in Richmond va, he has a kit you rent at do it all yourself at the range. He is a shooter.
Chris Miceli- Posts : 2715
Join date : 2015-10-27
Location : Northern Virginia
Re: Looking for Optometrist in Pennsylvania
I am very much interested myself to find a good eye doctor in Pennsylvania that deals with shooters. I also don’t get a clear dot.
Pbmoser1954- Posts : 116
Join date : 2016-03-23
Age : 70
Location : Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania
Re: Looking for Optometrist in Pennsylvania
I go to Dr. Ozer in Boothwyn. He is not a shooter, but I explained what I wanted and he fixed me up. I use a pair of glasses that have about a hundred yard focal distance (instead of infinity). I am now shooting iron sights again and my red dot is round. Take your dot (not your gun) with you.
gregg28- Posts : 23
Join date : 2015-12-27
Re: Looking for Optometrist in Pennsylvania
A few thing i learned, that make a difference.
In general, my glass lens are ground on the inside. The surface closest to the eye.
The frames must be straight across my face. If they wrap around, the eye is looking through the lens on an angle, resulting in poor vision.
The perscription is in the middle of the lens, so i was told. This didnt work for skeet shooting. Vision needed to be clear in all areas from left to right for a moving target . Now there are many perscription in the same lens, in different area, for perfect vision.
Took 3 trips to get it right.
I still shoot iron sight, but not as good as before.
In general, my glass lens are ground on the inside. The surface closest to the eye.
The frames must be straight across my face. If they wrap around, the eye is looking through the lens on an angle, resulting in poor vision.
The perscription is in the middle of the lens, so i was told. This didnt work for skeet shooting. Vision needed to be clear in all areas from left to right for a moving target . Now there are many perscription in the same lens, in different area, for perfect vision.
Took 3 trips to get it right.
I still shoot iron sight, but not as good as before.
243winxb- Posts : 352
Join date : 2013-12-01
Age : 80
Location : USA
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