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Military match ball ammo question

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Military match ball ammo question Empty Military match ball ammo question

Post by jakuda 8/18/2012, 1:56 am

I bought a 1000 round can from a club member of FC 71 match ball ammo, lot fc-1-7, for a whistle. Any experiences with the 1971 stuff? Does it actually shoot better than the current bulk ball ammo? I intend to use it only on the long line for now and use wimpier handloads for the shortline.


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Military match ball ammo question Empty Re: Military match ball ammo question

Post by DavidR 8/18/2012, 10:59 am

testing it in your gun is the only way to tell for sure but most of the old ball military match was good stuff.,

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Age : 70
Location : NRA:Expert, Georgia

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