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sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor

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sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor Empty sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor

Post by armouredbear Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:09 am

so i'm about to embark on my first actual competition on 2 september (yikes!), but i've been practicing indoors and my first shoot is outdoors! is there a good general rule for adjusting sights from 50' to 25 and 50 yards? if it is relevant, i'll be shooting a 1959 vintage high standard space gun with the 8" barrel.

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sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor Empty Re: sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor

Post by gulliver62 Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:09 am

You didn't say if you were using irons or a dot.
If a dot, come up 3-4 for 50 and see what happens.

If Irons, the light may have a much more significant effect on your windage adjustment but depends on the range and time etc.

When you get your zero's make sure and keep sight setting for each range/distance/ammmo so you have something to go back to when you return.

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sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor Empty Re: sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor

Post by armouredbear Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:02 pm

d'oh! sorry, yeah, i'm shooting irons. thanks for the info, though. it would have never occurred to me that shooting outside would affect the windage adjustment. how much change should i see in elevation?

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sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor Empty Re: sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor

Post by gulliver62 Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:52 pm

I would start the same 2-3 clicks or so up and see where that puts you.
Then, the old saying 'lights up sights up'
If it gets brighter, the black 'appears' bigger and a 6 o'clock hold will drop a bit lower. More true with rifle due to the distances.

Sun on your right puts a shadow on the left side of the front sight causing you to shoot a bit right so give some left windage. Reverse for sun on the left.

More, make a mark on your sights you can define as 0 and as you get the exact settings for the range note your new position.

It's different for everybody. I know folks the don't change anything from 25 to 50 and those that change 4 clicks. Also, depends on if you load for the distances. 22 I shoot the same ammo, .45 I shoot different loads at the two distances.

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sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor Empty Re: sight adjustment from indoor to outdoor

Post by armouredbear Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:02 am

thanks for the info!

so that's 2-3 clicks from 50 feet to 50 yards, right? my .45 is at the smith currently, so i'll only be shooting the .22 portion of the match, so i don't have to worry about changing loads or anything.

i will let everybody know how it goes! of course, i don't have classification yet, so i'll be shooting in the masters' group. at least i know i won't have to worry about bringing home any trophies Rolling Eyes

Posts : 42
Join date : 2011-11-13
Age : 50
Location : Brooklyn, NY

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