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Bullet shape and revolvers

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Bullet shape and revolvers  Empty Bullet shape and revolvers

Post by joy2shoot 8/27/2018, 8:53 am

I have heard that when reloading for revolver, use a round nose or truncated cone bullet as that shape is more conducive to transitioning from cylinder chamber to forcing cone.  Whereas something like a semi-wad cutter would not be.  However, I have never seen any published results to that affect.  As long as the bullet is properly sized for the chamber, does bullet shape have a detectable impact on accuracy when shooting a revolver?  Thanks.


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Bullet shape and revolvers  Empty Re: Bullet shape and revolvers

Post by Wobbley 8/27/2018, 9:10 am

If it did, then full wadcutter ammunition would not have been so popular years ago when PPC was shot with revolvers.

The 1917 revolvers weren’t very accurate with service 230 ball ammo.

To me the best accuracy with a revolver is to shoot bullets with long bearing surfaces.  These keep the bullet as straight as possible While it jumps from the case to the bore.  The SWC bullets in 38 usually have nice long bearing surfaces.

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