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32 ACP Fun, Hammerli SP20

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32 ACP Fun, Hammerli SP20 Empty 32 ACP Fun, Hammerli SP20

Post by gregbenner Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:02 pm

For those of you who are 32 ACP fans, I thought I might post re: my current project.  A couple months ago I had the opportunity to purchased an excellent low mileage SP20 RRS in 22 lr from Joel )on this forum). I wasn't in the market for one, in fact had never seen one, but the price was right, and I know Joel and knew the gun was essentially new. Plus he live close, and most important I discovered there were 32 Long conversions made for this gun. I am a huge 32 long fan, have several. 

After shooting the gun for a couple weeks, I realized I loved the gun, the s stage trigger is as good as any (well, except for the Matchgun), so i decided to look for a 32 long conversion. I was ecstatic when I received a email from Dave Wilson that he had one. Can't think of anyone I would be more comfortable with buying a used conversion from.  Thank Dave!

I have been toying with the idea of converting a 32 long to ACP after purchasing the ACP conversion for my Pardini. I got more intrigued when Jon Eulette let me work on some reloads for his converted Hammer P240 32 ACP.  Then, Dave Wilson mentioned he had a 32 ACP barrel he had made for an SP20 project, which he had abandoned from prior years. 

The two potential issues I saw up front were the magazines and the bolts.

When I purchased the Pardini ACP, I was surprised to find that the 32long and 32ACP used the same magazines. I assumed/hoped this might work the same on the SP20 Rolling Eyes

The issue with putting a 32ACP barrel on a 32long pistol is the bolt/chamber. The 32long bolt will accept the 32 ACP, although not vice versa (the rim on the long is slightly bigger than the ACP) However, the 32acp  headpieces off the case mouth, and therefore the chamber is shorter than than on the 32 long. If one were careless one could load a 32 long in the ACP barrel, but it wouldn't chamber all the way, and could ignite; potentially causing a ruptured case, damage, and/or injury.  affraid . I have purchased a separate bolt which Jon Eulette is welding up specifiicalt for ACP, in which case the 32 long won't work. I have also had the barrel shrouds clearly engraved "32 long" and "32ACP" to help eliminate any confusion.

Final issue was what bullets to load.  The barrel is .312, and I have been using the T&B leas SWCs in .314 for the Pardini.  Dave W suggested a .312 might be more accurate, so I called Travis at T&B. Although he currently didn't't have a die for .312, we worked a deal and he is shipping the .312 bullets today. Laughing Laughing 

So far, I have shot maybe 500 rounds using the 32 long bolt and the T&B .314 bullets (Starline brass and 135 g of N310). it feeds nearly perfectly, and it as accurate as anything else I have at 25 years. The only minor issue I have noticed is the brass seem to eject every which way, no consistency?  I suspect this may correct itself when Jon finishes the new bolt?

In any case, the complete conversion cost less than my Pardini conversion, and is a hoot to shoot. 

Hope to try a couple other conversions soon (MatchGun and Benelli).


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Join date : 2016-10-29
Location : San Diego area

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