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Trigger finger plcement.

james r chapman
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Trigger finger plcement.  Empty Trigger finger plcement.

Post by Sheriff1962 9/3/2018, 12:44 pm

For years ( since I started shooting) I was under assumption , that I should place the center of the pad on my trigger finger on the trigger of semiautomatic pistol....

Now, I hear that its wrong . For BE , what is an ideal trigger finger position on the trigger on a 1911? PS. I have medium/large size hand with average lengh fingers.


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Trigger finger plcement.  Empty Re: Trigger finger plcement.

Post by james r chapman 9/3/2018, 12:58 pm

The position that allows a straight back trigger pull.
Mine is just right of the crease.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Trigger finger plcement.  Empty Re: Trigger finger plcement.

Post by Tim:H11 9/3/2018, 12:59 pm

There is no right or wrong. It's dependent on your hand size, length of pull/reach, the size of the grips on the gun and the length of the trigger. You need to place your finger where you feel it's most comfortable to you and what will provide you with the results that you're after. I have to place my trigger finger differently on guns that differ in grip and trigger dimensions in comparison to my guns.

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Trigger finger plcement.  Empty Re: Trigger finger plcement.

Post by Chris Miceli 9/3/2018, 1:37 pm

james r chapman wrote:The position that allows a straight back trigger pull.
Mine is just right of the crease.
What he said. Different strokes for different folks. Mine is before the crease. Some people feel on the pad is too squishy.

Chris Miceli

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Trigger finger plcement.  Empty Re: Trigger finger plcement.

Post by dronning 9/3/2018, 2:25 pm

4 me edge of trigger in crease

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Trigger finger plcement.  Empty Trigger finger independence

Post by Dipnet 10/8/2018, 12:02 am

The important thing is what you are doing with the other fingers. The foundation of the grip is dependent on pulling the two middle two fingers straight back along into the grip in line with the axis of your forearm; this enables independence of the trigger finger, which is essential for executing a proper precision trigger pull. Check out his site on competitive air pistol shooting (technique is same for precision bullseye shooting): Pistol Technique.

Best, dipnet

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Trigger finger plcement.  Empty Re: Trigger finger plcement.

Post by john1644 11/9/2018, 3:05 pm

as stated above, no right way nor wrong way  JUST your way.  on the finger pad is usually taught.
if toward the end of the finger too much pressure might tend to push pistol to the left when firing
off.  on the fold might cause a slight pull to the right when firing.  which is the reasoning for using the pad.

and, I noted you said  'pull'  the trigger.   Never PULL just squeeze the trigger as you would a lemon .....


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