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Springfield XDM Comp

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Springfield XDM Comp Empty Springfield XDM Comp

Post by John Dervis 9/15/2018, 3:07 pm

I recently got one of these in 9mm and was going to try it out as a hardball gun.  I researched changing the trigger and front sight but came up with more questions than answers.  
  Powder River trigger kits seem to be popular but they have several to choose from. What would be the best choice for our use here?  
  Dawson makes target front sights but in several height / width configurations.  I did find a reference on this site that suggested .115 for width but I don't know what would be best.  If that width is in fact a good one to choose, Dawson only shows that in one height choice so my decision is made for me. Otherwise what should I be looking for?
  Is there any other modification I should consider besides welding/changing the barrel?  I found a good bit of info on that subject so I understand my options there but any other input would be greatly appreciated.


John Dervis

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Join date : 2012-08-29
Age : 55
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Springfield XDM Comp Empty Re: Springfield XDM Comp

Post by james r chapman 9/15/2018, 5:54 pm

I'd go with a trigger kit. PRP ULTIMATE MATCH includes the sear
Not bad to install and adjust if you take your time.
Don't sweat the sight, a black marker, or paint will work.

Don't pull the factory bbl until it won't hold 10 ring at 50y for you
Great starter gun
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Age : 75
Location : HELL, Michigan

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