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want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy?

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want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? Empty want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy?

Post by GKITCH 8/23/2012, 7:54 am

I have a stock Springfield Milspec 1911A1 and want to make a good wad gun out of it. I have a good gunsmith to put it all together but want to get some independent advice as to the best components. What is best and where to get the best deal on it would be helpful.
-I'm thinking a red dot sight on a Caspian slide?
-Barsto? KKM?
-I assume I'll need a C&S trigger/hammer/ sear kit? Which variant?
-Anyhing else?

Thanks all!!


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want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? Empty Re: want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy?

Post by DavidR 8/23/2012, 10:34 am

Barsto and KKM are good if you plan on shooting full metal jacket bullets, the king of accuracy for lead is the KART national match and matching bushing, then you will need a new hammer, sear , springs order milspec from egw or c&S if you want to stay with the gi style advantage being you can hold the hammer while dropping the slide, otherwise you can go commander style but will also have to change the grip safety to a bevertail, plus cutting frame to fit, your gunsmith should also lower the ejection port. new match grade pin set is good to use, along with a 10-12 lb recoil spring, new trigger too.

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want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? Empty Re: want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy?

Post by BE Mike 8/24/2012, 6:05 pm

I've had good luck with following my gunsmith's recommendations for components. If they are very good, they usually have a good idea of what parts are currently very good. There is nothing wrong with the Springfield Armory frame and slide. Your hammer is going to have to be compatible with your grip safety. Kart barrels are very popular because they are high quality and the price is right. There are other match barrels out there which will also shoot very, very well. I would recommend some type of checkering or stippling to the front strap. Some use tape, but I prefer something more permanent.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? Empty Re: want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy?

Post by bking 8/24/2012, 10:41 pm

You could have a great wad gun with the stock slide & barrel. Roddy Toyota built wad guns out of Springfield Milspec & R.O. for a friend & me earlier this year. With stock slide & barrel the Milspec came back with 1 1/4" 10 shot groups on the 50 yard test targets. The important thing is using a smith who is very experienced with bullseye guns.


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want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? Empty Re: want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy?

Post by Founder 8/25/2012, 7:47 am

Kart Ez-Fit
CS0214 if using a beaver tail grip safety
These components will work great if properly installed and fit.

However as bking mentioned a competent smith can make a stock set up work well. I just got in a Range Officer a couple days ago and that gun is tight! I would have no problem taking that gun dropping the recoil spring to a 10-12lb, polishing the trigger components, adjust to 3.5lb and drop a rib and dot on it.



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want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? Empty Re: want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy?

Post by GKITCH 8/25/2012, 8:49 am

I took the MILSPEC to the range yesterday and tried it out. It was not too bad...stringing shots vertically a bit and withing the 8/9 rings at 25 yards.
Now I'm wondering about keeping the lower within EIC CMP standards and having two uppers: one with a dot and the other for an EIC gun. The trigger would have to be over 4 lbs, of course, but I think I could get used to it and perhaps be competitive.


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want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? Empty Re: want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy?

Post by Rob Kovach 8/25/2012, 7:03 pm

Did you see the pictures of my gun that I use for both CMP and Wadgun roles in the other thread? I just filed out the rail so the sights could sit underneath. It only takes me a minute to switch from Wad to Ball gun.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? Empty Re: want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy?

Post by GKITCH 8/26/2012, 7:32 am

Thanks Rob, but just which other thread? It seems you have many past post.


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want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? Empty Re: want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy?

Post by Rob Kovach 8/26/2012, 9:45 am

If you like how your Ball gun shoots, Just add the rail on top. My gun is all ball legal, trigger is right at 4 pounds, and I can still shoot good scores. I shot a 181 slow fire with it 2 weeks ago. It might not be the choice that you need as a master, but at my level it works great! P.S. I did that rail modification with a flat file. Since it's aluminum, it didn't take any time at all.

I'll just stick some pictures here:

want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? WP_000140

want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? WP_000131

want to build a wad gun: what parts to buy? WP_000132
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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