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Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #?

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Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #? Empty Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #?

Post by Gary Wells 9/18/2018, 8:32 pm

I'm curious where this LSWC came from. Several casting companies cast it but no one identifies it with a mold #.


Gary Wells

Posts : 370
Join date : 2015-09-07

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Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #?

Post by dronning 9/18/2018, 8:46 pm

even though it's not listed give them a call and ask

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Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #?

Post by Wobbley 9/18/2018, 8:49 pm

Could be a full 242 but look in here for other ideas.

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Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #?

Post by Gary Wells 9/18/2018, 9:47 pm

I'm thinking # 337.

Gary Wells

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Join date : 2015-09-07

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Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #?

Post by Bubba Blaster 9/18/2018, 10:03 pm

It's a Saeco  #66  still in production ,I have one . I's a flat base and bullets weigh in at 182 grs with range scrap.

Bubba Blaster

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Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #?

Post by Gary Wells 9/18/2018, 10:41 pm

Many thanks for the info, Bubba.

Gary Wells

Posts : 370
Join date : 2015-09-07

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Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this bullet to a H&G or Saeco mold #?

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