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Insurance woes in New York State.

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Insurance woes in New York State. Empty Insurance woes in New York State.

Post by DonBrummer 9/20/2018, 3:16 pm

I am the director & captain of a small gun club that shoots bullseye matches.  There are about a dozen such clubs across Nassau & Suffolk Counties. Our gun hating governor, Andrew Cuomo, has found another way to attack our Second Amendment Rights.  The NY State Department of Insurance has revoked 
Lockton Affinity's ability to sell any & all insurance associated with NRA programs.  This includes Gun Club Insurance and 11 other types.    Lockton is the NRA affiliated insurance company and at least 6 local clubs (likely all of them) have received a letter of non-renewal.  The insurance is valid for its current term but will not be renewed.  We've contacted several brokers but so far no luck.  We have a few additional leads to chase down, so wish us luck.  Without insurance there are no clubs which means no organized shooting in NY State.

My ask - 1) If you are a club or range officer in NY state can you please provide the name of your broker and/or insurance company. 2) If you are a club or range officer in NY State check your insurance policy.  If its issued by Lockton Affinity contact them immediately.

For those interested in the ugly details you can read all about on the NY State Governments website

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Insurance woes in New York State. Empty Re: Insurance woes in New York State.

Post by willnewton 9/20/2018, 5:17 pm

I understand this is a Bullseye related topic that brushes heavily against political issues, but I have just had to delete a post here for going well beyond our “no politics” rule.

Post deletion is not an action that I take lightly, but it was an “exceptionally spirited” post and not directly related to the insurance issue.  I have PM’d the poster to let him know that there are no hard feelings and that I would discuss it further via PM if he wished.

I know there are a lot of deep feelings on the topic, but please focus on providing info towards helping this club get their insurance back.

Thanks folks

-update-  I just want to share that the fella who made the post I deleted has responded to me via PM and agreed he got a bit carried away.  I want to thank him for being understanding.  We could use a bit more of that in this world.

Last edited by willnewton on 9/20/2018, 10:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Insurance woes in New York State. Empty Re: Insurance woes in New York State.

Post by james r chapman 9/20/2018, 8:30 pm

Obviously, contact the NRA..
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Insurance woes in New York State. Empty Re: Insurance woes in New York State.

Post by Slartybartfast 9/21/2018, 9:25 am

Reading the document it seems there were lots of problems with illegal coverage and the entwining of free insurance with NRA membership or free membership with insurance. The risk of linking political activism with absolutely required insurance seems to have unfortunately left a number of insurers exposed.
Here in Canada, individual insurance and club insurance can be obtained by joining one of the provincial or national associations. Might be similar to "free insurance with membership". But of the annual fees for membership, $5 is clearly marked as providing $5million in personal liability and injury insurance for firearms incidents on a recognised range. Are there any organisations other than the NRA that offer that kind of coverage? USAS? CMP?
Removing the politically charged aspects of legal defence funds for cases of firearms use in carry situations, insuring injury and liability for ranges and organised sport shooting is a lucrative and profitable business as the risk is so low.
I'd suggest you log on to either the NSSF website and use the "Where to shoot" locator to compile a list of NY ranges and start contacting them to ask about their insurance arrangements.
A search out of curiosity did return this result which may be some help:

Good luck. I'll not mention the politics that I'm having to get involved with locally and nationally here...

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Insurance woes in New York State. Empty Re: Insurance woes in New York State.

Post by DonBrummer 11/14/2018, 10:45 pm

We finally got our insurance squared away.  It took a lot longer than it should have but we found a broker and all of the local clubs are using him.  We saw a 15% increase but at least we can continue shooting.

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Join date : 2014-07-24
Location : East Meadow, NY

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