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Adding weight to conversion

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Adding weight to conversion Empty Adding weight to conversion

Post by lablover 10/4/2018, 8:38 pm

im using my AA conversion on a kimber 1911 lower and would like to add some weight.  Added steel rings and it helped a bit but wan t more.  The kimber lower has a rail on it for like lights etc.  anyone know of a weight that can be added to the rail?  Seems like a clean option!

Would love to see options some may have used to do what I’m looking for

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Adding weight to conversion Empty Re: Adding weight to conversion

Post by shooter1450 10/4/2018, 8:59 pm

I added weight to my wife’s Springfield XDM 9mm by mounting a weaver style 1” scope ring and a short length of 1” diameter round bar, brass or aluminum, depending on how much weight you want, under the frame on the accessory rail. Works well. Takes some of the jump out of this light gun in my wife’s very small hands.

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Adding weight to conversion Empty Re: Adding weight to conversion

Post by DGW 10/5/2018, 9:44 pm

Ive been adding weight to my guns. I found all kinds of shapes and sizes of Tungsten for Pinewood cars.


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Adding weight to conversion Empty Re: Adding weight to conversion

Post by messenger 10/6/2018, 8:59 am

I put an Aimpoint 9000 on my Nelson. Perfect weight.


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Adding weight to conversion Empty Re: Adding weight to conversion

Post by clark2245 10/6/2018, 11:23 am

Just go to a tire store and see if they will give you a few of the stick on lead tire weights.   Should be cheap to buy if they won't.  Mount them along the rail to add some weight.   On one of my conversions I put a couple of 200 grain LSWC bullets (pounded flat) glued on the front to add a little extra weight there.   Won't win any beauty contests but it works.


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Adding weight to conversion Empty Re: Adding weight to conversion

Post by lablover 10/6/2018, 1:15 pm

clark2245 wrote:Just go to a tire store and see if they will give you a few of the stick on lead tire weights.   Should be cheap to buy if they won't.  Mount them along the rail to add some weight.   On one of my conversions I put a couple of 200 grain LSWC bullets (pounded flat) glued on the front to add a little extra weight there.   Won't win any beauty contests but it works.
I have some stick on I’m gonna try. Thanks

Posts : 1275
Join date : 2015-07-30
Location : Michigan

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