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Sig P320 X_Five

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Sig P320 X_Five Empty Sig P320 X_Five

Post by Steve K 10/7/2018, 10:38 am

I just bought a Sig P320 X-Five and have fired about 150 rounds. I may use it in Bullseye but I got it for mostly Action Pistol matches. The trigger feels OK and the pull weight is about 3 1/2 pounds. Accuracy is pretty good so far and I expect it to get better after breaking in and my getting used to it. I was looking at the Apex kit and I am wondering if any one has experience with it. I know 3 1/2 pounds is pretty good, but will the Apex kit smooth the trigger and lighten the trigger ever more?

Steve K

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Join date : 2015-11-09

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Sig P320 X_Five Empty Re: Sig P320 X_Five

Post by kc.crawford.7 10/7/2018, 12:05 pm

You'd do better with a kit from Greys Guns.

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Sig P320 X_Five Empty Re: Sig P320 X_Five

Post by dronning 10/7/2018, 1:17 pm

kc.crawford.7 wrote:You'd do better with a kit from Greys Guns.
KC would know a good trigger!! 


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Sig P320 X_Five Empty Re: Sig P320 X_Five

Post by Sc0 10/7/2018, 2:49 pm

Installed the GrayGuns trigger kit with the curved trigger blade.  Trigger pull is a little under 2lbs, good for action shooting but bad for NRA service pistol.  Need to play with the springs to get it up to 2.5 or 4lbs so it can be used for other disciplines.


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Sig P320 X_Five Empty Re: Sig P320 X_Five

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