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Bear Creek Supply bullets

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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by Wobbley 10/8/2018, 12:06 pm

While at a gun shop pawing through the discount and close out bin, I saw a few baggies of bullets from this company.  


I bought three bags, one of the 45 200 LSWC, one of 45 185 HBLSWC, and one of 38 148 HBWC.  These are dry moly lubed.  

information on the web seems to be from the run and gun crowd.  Does anyone here have any experience with this supplier?


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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Re: Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by troystaten 10/8/2018, 12:34 pm

I have used their 148 grain wadcutters both HB and double ended and they are ok but I think precision delta bullets are better.


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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Re: Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by oldsalt444 10/9/2018, 2:09 pm

My experience with Bear Creek was disappointing.  Accuracy is minute of cardboard backer.  Not good for bullseye work, but the 148 .38 Wad cutters might be OK.

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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Re: Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by MkFiji 10/29/2024, 12:12 pm

Wobbley wrote:While at a gun shop pawing through the discount and close out bin, I saw a few baggies of bullets from this company.  


I bought three bags, one of the 45 200 LSWC, one of 45 185 HBLSWC, and one of 38 148 HBWC.  These are dry moly lubed.  

information on the web seems to be from the run and gun crowd.  Does anyone here have any experience with this supplier?


So what was your experience with shooting these in 45ACP?

I see on their list that they’re also looking to make a 200gr SWCHP


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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Re: Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by Wobbley 10/29/2024, 12:38 pm

Holy resurrected thread….

I’ll have to look.   My dim and distant memory thinks that they were OK 
This target was shot with BearCreek bullets from my 25-2 revolver, IIRC.   The conditions were slow fire offhand in a dimly lit indoor range… so they seem to be OK. But I’d like to shoot more groups that’s for sure.
Bear Creek Supply bullets Img_0225

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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Re: Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by WillH 10/29/2024, 1:48 pm

I shoot their 32 HBWC in my Pardini 32 SWL.  I've found them to shoot well, be of consistent quality with diameters as advertised.  I'm using them for indoor 25 yd league and they are capable of cleaning targets if I could only do my part. Customer service and shipping has also been great.  I don't have any experience with their other bullets.  The moly coating is similar to the Speer 38 HBWCs.

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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Re: Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by brand-new 10/29/2024, 8:26 pm

I'm rather new to this sport and our local range only goes up to 20 yards...that said, i've shot 300+ rounds of their .45 caliber, 205 gn projectiles.

i purchased the projectiles from a good friend. The projectiles look almost like a round nose projectile but the meplat is flat (not hollow point). They do have is a single cannelure band and as noted, they are moly coated.

i've been very pleased with them in my 1911, never experienced any problems with chambering or cycling. No problem with cleaning.

I hand load them with 5.8 grains of VV N320 using Winchester LPP. I load to a C.O.A.L. of 1.2 inch and a mild taper crimp.

I hope that helps

addendum: i just searched their website, these are the ones i've been loading: https://www.bearcreeksupplybullets.com/45205


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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Re: Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by troystaten 10/29/2024, 10:30 pm

I have used their 148 grain HBWC and BBWC and have been happy with them.  A friend of mine uses there .32 HBWC, their 148 grain HBCW in his 52-2 and the 200 grain WC for the 45 and they all shoot very well.  I would like to try the 185 grain swc for the 45 but have not gotten a chance yet.


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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Re: Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by L. Boscoe 10/30/2024, 9:46 am

very happy with both their 38 HBWC and 45 HBSWC.

L. Boscoe

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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Re: Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by straybrit 10/30/2024, 10:40 am

I use the 38 HBWC for revolver and 38SP CF. In my experience they are better than the PD bullets.
I've got some 45s from them to use when my Brazos supply runs out later this year.


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Bear Creek Supply bullets Empty Re: Bear Creek Supply bullets

Post by Brian.highstandard 10/31/2024, 9:34 am

Hello Wobbley

I shoot their bullets in my reloads for a 32 SWL Pardini HP and they are my favorite bullet. THey are moly coated and my pistol stays clean longer than other bullets. I also find them very consistent in .314 diameter which is important in the pistol I shoot. The prices is great for a 98 grain HBWC and they are very pleasant when calling in to place your order. I wish they would manufacture an 83 grain or similar weight because I use the Lapua 83 grain HBWC. at a much higher cost but the Lapua shoots and less recoil in timed/rapid. 
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