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How long until slide-frame become loose?

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How long until slide-frame become loose? Empty How long until slide-frame become loose?

Post by Wmvdg123 10/13/2018, 8:14 am

How many rounds does it take to loosen up a 1911 slide to frame fit? It sounds like a good barrel lasts many tens of thousands of rounds without loosening up too much, but how often does one have to send in a 1911 to a gunsmith to have the slide to frame tightened? If a gunsmith tightens up to slide to frame fit does it last as long as a new gun?


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How long until slide-frame become loose? Empty Re: How long until slide-frame become loose?

Post by Dr.Don 10/13/2018, 9:26 am

Depends heavily on the quality of the steels and heat treatment of the slide and frame.  I have a gun built on an old Colt Series 70 that has had many thousands of rounds and is holding up well.  I also built an experimental project gun on a Citadel (Rock Island) slide and frame and it loosened up quickly.  Can also depend on the technique used to fit slide and frame initially.

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How long until slide-frame become loose? Empty Re: How long until slide-frame become loose?

Post by Sc0 10/13/2018, 9:40 am

Wouldn't worry too much about it, even if the slide to frame fit is a little loose by doing a hard-fit barrel it will be tight as a drum in lockup where it counts.


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