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Aliant E3 powder

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Aliant E3 powder Empty Aliant E3 powder

Post by 10sandxs 10/18/2018, 12:08 am

I tried the search function, but got no results, which I find hard to believe, but in anycase, has anyone tried alliant E3 powder?

It's a larger flake so metering might be an issue, but no more so than clays... I find it significantly cleaner than wst in shotguns...


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Aliant E3 powder Empty Re: Aliant E3 powder

Post by BE Mike 10/18/2018, 9:45 am

e3 is extremely clean. Way back when, I worked up a load of 3.5 grains for .45 ACP with 185 gr. and 200 gr. LSWC bullet. Some buddies used that load for years without any problems and very good accuracy. That being said, I believe it isn't as versatile as, say, Bullseye, American Select, HP-38, etc. if you load a few different calibers.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Aliant E3 powder Empty Re: Aliant E3 powder

Post by Allgoodhits 10/19/2018, 3:41 pm

Alliant E3 is excellent powder. I have used it in .45 acp, .38 Super and .38 spl. It seemed to give best results when using it as one would use Clays. For me that was "non" jacketed bullets. E3 is slightly less dense than Clays. Data is hard to come by, proceed cautiously. I started with what would be considered a "light" Clays load, then adjusted accordingly, paying attention to fired brass. If you have access to a chrono, that could prove useful too.

I found no advantage to E3 other than I used about 1/10th less grain of E3 compared to Clays, and it is very clean. Clays is pretty clean too. E3 costs a tad more than Clays. Bottom line for me, just an alternative powder in the event of shortage.

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