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UPS in Violation of their own policies!!!

Allen Barnett
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UPS in Violation of their own policies!!! Empty UPS in Violation of their own policies!!!

Post by Allen Barnett Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:36 pm

Just received 2 pistols today (after 5PM) from Volquartsen that I had sent to them for some work.  I was not home so they did not get my signature which they state by their own policies that an adult must sign for the package as stated on the shipping label.  I found the package setting on a chair on my front porch when I got back home a little after 10PM.  Such a bunch of crap.

Allen Barnett

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UPS in Violation of their own policies!!! Empty Re: UPS in Violation of their own policies!!!

Post by tceva Sat Oct 20, 2018 5:57 am

I hear your frustration.  That could have turned out bad.  Ever since UPS went public, the only thing that matters to them is numbers.  We receive a lot of packages delivered by them, and some are damaged to the point where there is nothing in the box.  Unfortunately we don't have many choices.  I think Amazon is starting to feel the kick back.  I have heard they are recruiting delivery services in some of the larger metropolitan areas.  As for now it seems that we are stuck with one of the big three.

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UPS in Violation of their own policies!!! Empty Re: UPS in Violation of their own policies!!!

Post by apipeguy Sat Oct 20, 2018 6:35 am

That’s just crazy. I returned a gun to Wilson a year ago and they had sent me the pre-paid label. UPS would not accept it because even though it was going to the gun company it did not specify adult signature required. Contacted Wilson and it was set up that way by their UPS rep. Had to redo the package label myself at a much higher cost to satisfy the local UPS hub. Of course, Wilson reimbursed me.
Also just got notice that a 2,000 bullet order has been delayed due to a “mechanical” issue. I’ll be interested in seeing what shape the boxes are in when they are delivered by UPS Monday.

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UPS in Violation of their own policies!!! Empty Re: UPS in Violation of their own policies!!!

Post by lyman1903 Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:05 am

varies by location,,,,, affraid

I was picking up a rifle at the UPS hub a week or so ago, 
I've known the clerk there for years, (many many years) and she was shaking her head taping up Amazon packages, 

looked like someone put them in a tumbler and let it run a week, every corner was bent,  most were opened to some degree,  
she told me she had no idea if all the stuff was in the boxes, she just had to tape them up before they went any farther, 

re the delivery,, been there, done that, even had rifles and handguns delivered to neighbors instead of the shop

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UPS in Violation of their own policies!!! Empty Re: UPS in Violation of their own policies!!!

Post by Gary Wells Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:50 am

I ordered 1K targets about a year ago from Alco Target in Duarte, CA. Shipped UPS, came with 1 side gouged open and about 100 targets missing. Come to find out, the local UPS driver is good buds of the local USPS driver who has caused my untold grief for almost a year with missing mail going out & coming in & lost bullets. I can no longer put a return label on my outgoing mail for fear that when he delivers/picks up he will trash my mail.

Gary Wells

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UPS in Violation of their own policies!!! Empty Re: UPS in Violation of their own policies!!!

Post by Distinguished- 2086 Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:02 pm

I sent a S&W 41 to S&W for a repair and UPS  stuck the box in between the screen door and the front door.. anyone could have picked it up.. I'm also going to sell (comes with Both barrel lengths ) it to finance a Benelli from larry's when they re-open.-

Distinguished- 2086

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UPS in Violation of their own policies!!! Empty Re: UPS in Violation of their own policies!!!

Post by mtnman31 Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:38 pm

I agree, service varies greatly by locale. 
I personally prefer UPS.  Other than a couple billing issues with them on a business account, I have had very few problems.  FEDEX has caused me some serious grief, as has USPS.  I've had numerous USPS packages go missing over the years.  Once had a box delivered to a house down the street.  I knew the house was empty and I saw a box sitting on the ground on the curb near the mailbox.  It was mine.  The box had been sitting there for a couple days.  I was very fortunate that no one picked it up.  I actually called the local postmaster about that one.


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