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Help with Dillon powder measure.

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Help with Dillon powder measure. Empty Help with Dillon powder measure.

Post by zanemoseley 10/24/2018, 8:33 pm

I've got 2 Hornady LNL AP presses (1 dedicated to small primer and 1 large). I currently load 45 and 38 with no issues. I'm getting geared up to load 32 S&W long with H&N .314 swaged clones. The issue I'm having is that Hornady only has PTX's (powder through expander) in .308 which will be too small. The Lyman M expander is also too small. I have some custom options including custom sizing dies and custom expanders but they can get expensive and take a long time in many cases, I want to get shooting.

I'm considering buying a Dillon powder measure to install on my Hornady LNL to utilize the new custom expander that PhotoEscape is making as well as possibly the Arredondo powder bar. This won't be a waste as I can keep my Hornady measure dedicated to my 38 special setup.

So since the both the Dillon and Hornady are case activated measure can I assume the Dillon will work fine on my press.

Also, is the Arredondo powder slide worth $130 when the Dillon X-small powder bar is only $33 and is advertised to measure down to .5 grains. Most of the 32 loads will take about 1.7-1.8 grains.

Looking forward to some advice.


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Help with Dillon powder measure. Empty Re: Help with Dillon powder measure.

Post by Chris Miceli 10/24/2018, 8:49 pm

Dillon x small works fine, but a star reloader works finer

Chris Miceli

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Help with Dillon powder measure. Empty Re: Help with Dillon powder measure.

Post by PhotoEscape 10/24/2018, 10:10 pm

Dillon Powder measure comes with both small and large powder bars.  Technically you don't need to buy extra small bar provided you are willing to take file in your hands and file down small powder bar's V-shape area, so insert can be wound down further and make cavity smaller.  Two things one must be aware of is not to file bar's sides, and making sure that OEM bolt is long enough to push all the way desired.  I do have replacement bolts that are 1/4" longer for this very specific purpose - https://www.ebay.com/itm/273485611828  Please read through the listing, - somewhere in the middle you'll find pertaining information.

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Help with Dillon powder measure. Empty Re: Help with Dillon powder measure.

Post by gregbenner 10/25/2018, 1:39 am

I’s recommend the X small measure, but not sure about the Arredondo slide.  I have two 550s, one used for 32ACP, the other 32long.  One has the arrendndo plastic powder slide and it actually leaks a slight bit, whereas the Dillon doesn’t.


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Help with Dillon powder measure. Empty Re: Help with Dillon powder measure.

Post by zanemoseley 10/25/2018, 7:04 am

After some research looks like I'll definitely be going with the Dillon XS bar.


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