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Just re-joined the group

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Just re-joined the group Empty Just re-joined the group

Post by captain orca 10/25/2018, 5:44 pm

Good evening everyone, Captain Orca here.  I was a member many years ago and was very active in Bullseye.  Things got in the way, but I'm back into it!  It will take some time to get my skills back.  Today I took my c.1958 S&W 41 to the range, mounted a BSA red dot and had a great time!  (I need practice!)  I will re-familiarize myself with my Series 80 1911 (worked over by Les Baer in 1988) and start loading again.  I have an UltraDot on the slide of the Colt.  I recently used my Cabelas Club points and got another Chronograph.  This time of the year I begin to put the radio control airplanes away and get the guns out!  My other interest is r/c flying, great hobby, been doing it for 27 years.  Favorite plane is a Giant Scale 84" wingspan Piper J-3 Cub with a 91 4 cycle engine.  Favorite firearm?  ummm, where do I start?  Is Mr. Masaki still on the list?  We had some great chatting many years ago.  Talk to everyone later!

captain orca

Posts : 10
Join date : 2018-10-25

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Just re-joined the group Empty Re: Just re-joined the group

Post by knightimac 10/25/2018, 6:18 pm

welcome back!

Posts : 215
Join date : 2014-03-16
Location : Auburn, Pa

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Just re-joined the group Empty Re: Just re-joined the group

Post by captain orca 10/25/2018, 6:30 pm

Thank you.  Any Pennsylvania shooters here?  One thing I noticed today is my glasses prescription has changed thus, open sights are quite challenging.  The dot is crisp and defined with the glasses, without them it looks like a red Christmas tree Wink  I warmed up with some Federal Auto Match.  Not bad but it wouldn't fly at the big camp in Ohio!

captain orca

Posts : 10
Join date : 2018-10-25

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Just re-joined the group Empty Re: Just re-joined the group

Post by knightimac 10/26/2018, 5:46 pm

I'm from PA.  Near Pottsville.

Posts : 215
Join date : 2014-03-16
Location : Auburn, Pa

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Just re-joined the group Empty Re: Just re-joined the group

Post by captain orca 10/26/2018, 6:32 pm

Nice, less than 30 minutes down 61 to Cabelas;!   I fly out of Blue Mountain Academy Airport, we fly radio control plus a Cessna 172 and a 152.  One guy ties down his Piper Archer there.

captain orca

Posts : 10
Join date : 2018-10-25

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Just re-joined the group Empty Re: Just re-joined the group

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