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UPS mistake SW mistake

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UPS mistake  SW mistake Empty UPS mistake SW mistake

Post by captain orca 10/27/2018, 9:06 am

I sent my Smith 586 back for a hammer nose bushing recall, a week or so later it was returned to my front porch, in full view of the street in a box labeled S&W.  I have two stone pillars and masonry walls, a well hidden porch, the idiot UPS driver left it right in front of the door!  It could have easily been left anywhere else on the porch, well out of sight.  Smith screwed up too, as my local FFL sent it to them for me and I SPECIFICALLY IN DETAIL TOLD THEM TO RETURN IT TO THE FFL DEALER.  They didn't.  It was sent to my residence.  Idiots at both ends.  I've dealt with my dealer for years and they have always done things accurately with attention to detail.  This was NOT their fault.  And so it goes....

Captain Orca

captain orca

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UPS mistake  SW mistake Empty Re: UPS mistake SW mistake

Post by 243winxb 10/27/2018, 11:17 am

S&W uses Fedex.  An adult had to sign  for my S&W when it came to my house.  I shipped it to S&W  with there label and i signed for it on return.  All went well. No FFL needed. Just follow instruction on the S&W website.

Last edited by 243winxb on 10/27/2018, 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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UPS mistake  SW mistake Empty Re: UPS mistake SW mistake

Post by Allen Barnett 10/27/2018, 11:28 am

I recently had 2 pistols dropped on the front porch by UPS.  The label clearly stated "Adult signature required, 21 min".  Went down to the terminal and spoke with the Supervisor and he stated that it can't happen without signature.  I asked him to prove that it was signed for by me and he could not.  Needless to say things went downhill from there.

Allen Barnett

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UPS mistake  SW mistake Empty Re: UPS mistake SW mistake

Post by captain orca 10/27/2018, 2:50 pm

Which is exactly why I always use an FFL business.  They are there to sign, they are responsible, I pay them a few bucks, smooth sailing.    
Captain Orca

captain orca

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UPS mistake  SW mistake Empty Re: UPS mistake SW mistake

Post by LenV 10/27/2018, 8:52 pm

I would of handled it different. I would of got a hold of S&W and started asking where my revolver was. I would keep asking until they got you an answer. Let the big dogs fight each other. Maybe they would get the message. Probably not.

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