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Springs in a 5" 9mm 1911

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Springs in a 5" 9mm 1911 Empty Springs in a 5" 9mm 1911

Post by Sheriff1962 10/31/2018, 10:20 pm

What weight springs ( hammer and recoil) do You use in accurised 5" 9mm 1911 for factory ammo 115 1100+FPS -147(subsonic) ?


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Springs in a 5" 9mm 1911 Empty Re: Springs in a 5" 9mm 1911

Post by cdrt 11/1/2018, 6:54 am

The factory std recoil spring in a 9mm is 14 pounds.  That should work fine with your factory ammo unless you do something like mount a dot on the slide.

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Location : Amarillo, Texas

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