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Walther GSP upper to lower movement.

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Walther GSP upper to lower movement. Empty Walther GSP upper to lower movement.

Post by atrfod 11/16/2018, 10:58 am

Hello all,I was wondering if anyone could tell me if it's normal for a GSP to have a little bit of wiggle between the upper and lower halves.I have the manual and adjusted the takedown lever a touch already.I thought I had it pretty solid,but after shooting it a bit,it still has a little bit of movement.I'm not sure if it would effect accuracy or not.I could adjust it more,but I just don't want to overdo it and cause damage or premature wear.Thanks,-Mike


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Walther GSP upper to lower movement. Empty Re: Walther GSP upper to lower movement.

Post by zanemoseley 11/16/2018, 12:03 pm

Technically its kind of like an AR. AR's can have movement between the upper & lower halves but can still shoot accurately. All the lower is used for is a trigger basically.


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Walther GSP upper to lower movement. Empty Re: Walther GSP upper to lower movement.

Post by messenger 11/16/2018, 2:36 pm

I had a GSP 32. It had a little play. I thought the same thing. Sold the pistol because it was too nose heavy for my taste. If I had kept it I would have investigated it too. It bothered me. Since the sights are on the upper it shouldn't have any effects on accuracy.


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Walther GSP upper to lower movement. Empty Re: Walther GSP upper to lower movement.

Post by gweber 11/16/2018, 3:08 pm

The take down lever can actually be tightened to eliminate the play in the upper and lower. But a little bit of play is fine and it will still shoot very accurate.



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Walther GSP upper to lower movement. Empty Re: Walther GSP upper to lower movement.

Post by fc60 11/16/2018, 3:38 pm


There are two points of locating the GSP uppers.

The first, as you have discovered, is the locking lever. Adjust it according to the instructions and do not make it too tight. This action clamps the frame to the upper eliminating side to side motion.

The second point is the the radial portion of the locking lever. When rotated 180 degrees, the round bit is down and the upper is removed. While clamped, the round piece mates with a radial slot in the upper. This controls forward and rearward movement. I do not know of a way to improve the lockup if it is exceedingly loose.

Personally, unless the parts are damaged and excess movement is to be had, I would not worry about it.



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Walther GSP upper to lower movement. Empty Re: Walther GSP upper to lower movement.

Post by atrfod 11/16/2018, 5:10 pm

Thanks so much for the information gentlemen.It sounds like it's perfectly normal.I believe I'll get the trigger where I like it and shoot,shoot,shoot.Thanks again,-Mike


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Walther GSP upper to lower movement. Empty Re: Walther GSP upper to lower movement.

Post by bruce martindale 11/16/2018, 10:08 pm

There is also a dovetail in the rear that can mate loosely. I haven't seen any way to tighten that either

bruce martindale

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Walther GSP upper to lower movement. Empty Re: Walther GSP upper to lower movement.

Post by ash 11/17/2018, 8:40 pm

I eliminated that play with a small O ring between the grip and the top.
The o ring is at the bottom of the grip slot, there should be a little upward resistance from the o ring.


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