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Reloading question

Gary Wells
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Reloading question  Empty Reloading question

Post by thessler 11/23/2018, 5:32 pm

I am new to reloading pistol ammo. I have a lot of experience with shotgun ammo but this is completely different. 
I am using 45 acp semi wadcutter from Missouri bullets. With a Dillon square deal. 
Could someone explain how deep to set the bullet into the shell. Right now I'm setting the lead shoulder even with the top of the brass, just an arbitrary starting spot. Not sure it matters but something tells me it does.
Second when I started,  the crimp was still a little bell shaped after the bullet was set, now I tightened it up and made a taper crimp just like a shotgun shell.
Now I'm thinking that's probably wrong because the leading edge of the shell controlls the head space. Or do I have that wrong also.
Any advice on these variables greatly appreciated. Or a direction where I can read up on it.
thanks Tom


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Reloading question  Empty Re: Reloading question

Post by zanemoseley 11/23/2018, 5:35 pm

Typically the shoulder of a SWC should extend past the brass by about 1/32" or .030"-.040".


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Reloading question  Empty Re: Reloading question

Post by Gary Wells 11/23/2018, 5:54 pm

Generally about 1.24 COAL, or about 1/32  (.03125)above the brass top as stated above.

Last edited by Gary Wells on 11/23/2018, 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

Gary Wells

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Join date : 2015-09-07

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Reloading question  Empty Re: Reloading question

Post by lyman1903 11/23/2018, 6:59 pm

start here and search for relevant loading info for that particular bullet


you should also have at least a couple, of not more, reloading manuals to compare loads, OAL's etc, 

taper crimp is correct,  there are guys here that can tell you what tension works best for them,

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Reloading question  Empty Re: Reloading question

Post by Dcforman 11/23/2018, 7:01 pm

Pretty sure Gary meant 1.240 OAL...


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Reloading question  Empty Re: Reloading question

Post by Gary Wells 11/23/2018, 9:29 pm

Dcforman wrote:Pretty sure Gary meant 1.240 OAL...

I'm such an idiot for not catching that. Many thanks for the correction. I will change it which I hope is not cheating.

Gary Wells

Posts : 370
Join date : 2015-09-07

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Reloading question  Empty Re: Reloading question

Post by gregbenner 11/23/2018, 9:54 pm

Gary Wells wrote:
Dcforman wrote:Pretty sure Gary meant 1.240 OAL...

I'm such an idiot for not catching that. Many thanks for the correction. I will change it which I hope is not cheating.
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Reloading question  Empty Re: Reloading question

Post by thessler 11/24/2018, 4:39 am

OK thanks guys. 
Went to Missouri bullets,  there's a lot to learn there.


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Reloading question  Empty Re: Reloading question

Post by willnewton 11/24/2018, 12:53 pm

Tidied this thread up a little by deleting a couple posts.  I had a few complaints about it.  I love a good joke too, but some are better told in private company vs. a public forum.

We are not just the best pistol shots on the planet, we are the classiest too.  Cool

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