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EIC gun in 9mm

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EIC gun in 9mm Empty EIC gun in 9mm

Post by 1983xr 11/25/2018, 7:18 am

Anyone using a 1911 in 9mm for eic? I have seen the accuracy seems to be better than 45acp but what are the down sides?


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EIC gun in 9mm Empty Re: EIC gun in 9mm

Post by dronning 11/25/2018, 9:35 am

Yes there are, accuracy for a 9mm can be <1" verses 1.5" for a smith built 45.  Downsides are the 9mm I've seen shoot 1" groups (I have one built by KC) need to push a 115gr bullet much faster resulting in a sharper recoil.

If I were going to build a purpose built EIC 1911 it would be a fast twist barrel .38 Super, they are soft shooting and accurate.  I also have one of these, built by KC, he actually fit a 38 Super barrel to my 9MM so I can swap. Optic only.

- Dave
You could also very cheaply build a Springfield XDM 5.25 in 9mm and make the Presidents 100 and maybe get a free gun from Springfield.

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EIC gun in 9mm Empty Re: EIC gun in 9mm

Post by jglenn21 11/25/2018, 12:12 pm

+1 on the super being way easier to build and be accurate with reduced loads.  I run 115 xtp or magnus 115s in my super EIC.

4.0 - 4.4 BE for the long line and 3.8 for the short. All with a 12 recoil spring. I built mine with a cheap RI slide and a $40 sig barrel welded up from CDNN just for fun.. darn thing shoots lights out

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