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Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states

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Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states Empty Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states

Post by imageinme 12/17/2018, 9:11 pm

I broke my latch dry firing. I have had a new latch on order since July to no avail. In the meantime I like to keep this pistol in my hand for 
muscle memory purposes. I pulled the trigger without this latch the hammer fell and I could not get it to re-cock. I tried to push it 
back with a pencil. I got the eraser part stuck in the internals. I know, not very smart. Lesson learned. This is my favorite competition pistol.
If someone can direct me to a great gunsmith I would surely appreciate it. I am not having fun this indoor season.  Sad


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Join date : 2018-12-17

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Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states Empty Re: Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states

Post by robert84010 12/17/2018, 9:40 pm

Champions Choice currently sells the AW93 so I would call them and ask who they would recommend.
Scott Pilkington might also be a good resource since he has been a World Cup team armorer several times.

George Beznovich in Texas is a past importer so he would probably know a gunsmith.


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Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states Empty AW93

Post by Fotomaniac 12/17/2018, 11:28 pm

George Brenzovich stills imports and sells Feinwerkbau..His smith is Tod Utter. Knows his stuff. Call George at 915-204-7977.


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Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states Empty Re: Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states

Post by imageinme 12/20/2018, 1:25 pm

Thanks, tried to contact George, and Todd. I was unable to contact either on this day, something having to do with inventory etc. I will try again after the holidays.


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Join date : 2018-12-17

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Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states Empty Re: Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states

Post by Chris Miceli 12/24/2018, 2:32 pm

Only person I would trust with a Aw93 repair is buck st pilkington

Chris Miceli

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Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states Empty Re: Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states

Post by DavidR 12/24/2018, 3:19 pm

imageinme wrote:Thanks, tried to contact George, and Todd. I was unable to contact either on this day, something having to do with inventory etc. I will try again after the holidays.
Todd is very eccentric , lives in rural south Georgia, I took my AW to him a few years ago, met him at a dirt road entrance to his compound, he was behind  a large locked gate and he was heavily armed. I  Was told I could not come in to his shop, left gun with him and had to waste 5 hours in a nearby tiny town waiting for him to call and let me know when to return to the gate to pick up my gun.  Defiantly a experience to remember but not repeat. I don't know if he would be any help as he told me he had no parts on hand luckily my adjustments didn't require any.

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Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states Empty Re: Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states

Post by Aufidius 12/24/2018, 6:33 pm

This has to be the strangest story in bullseye lore I've ever read. I don't know any gunsmiths like that- some can be pretty cranky- but nothing like that.

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Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states Empty Re: Best gunsmiths for feinwerkbau aw93 in the states

Post by mpolans 12/24/2018, 8:10 pm

If Todd is the primary gunsmith for Feinwerkbau’s US importer, he sounds like a good reason to buy a Pardini SP instead of a AW-93.


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