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Reliable contact information for Pardini?

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Reliable contact information for Pardini? Empty Reliable contact information for Pardini?

Post by dennymac 12/22/2018, 2:29 pm

Good afternoon. I have a Pardini .22 LR pistol that has stopped firing reliably, to the point that it is unusable for matches. Everything points to light strikes on the round. No ammunition works.  I have tried xheap and expensive ammunition.  I took it to the Pardini folks at Camp Perry. They installed a longer firing pin and all new firing parts. Then, at the test range, less than 30 rounds and it misfired. The Pardini gentleman said that he could recommend a gunsmith in Washington state that could rebarrel it. He did not give it to me at the time. I called them in Florida after I got home and they have yet to respond.  It does not appear that they are interested in helping me with this. I am a bit disappointed that a firearm that costs this much could be this much trouble.
After I got it home, I milled the face of the chamber to make certain that it was square and fresh. No joy with that, either. 
Does anyone have a suggestion that could result in owning an operational pistol?
Anxious in Louisville.  Wayne McLeod


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Reliable contact information for Pardini? Empty Re: Reliable contact information for Pardini?

Post by gregbenner 12/22/2018, 8:46 pm

Was the pistol purchased new or used? If new, I’d ask them.

You didn’t indicate whether you have called Pardini USA more than once, or how long ago. They have a excellent reputation, but perhaps the holidays are part of the problem? I wouldn’t take a failed return call as disinterest, and would call them again. They are very helpful.


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Reliable contact information for Pardini? Empty Re: Reliable contact information for Pardini?

Post by CrankyThunder 12/23/2018, 7:50 am

I will second the excellent response and support from Pardini USA.  Probably the holidays, they are a small outfit and frequently travel to matches to compete and support pardini shooters.  

Keep trying and I am sure that they will take care of you.

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Reliable contact information for Pardini? Empty Re: Reliable contact information for Pardini?

Post by ChristianFromPardini 1/3/2019, 2:45 pm

Hello Wayne McLeod,

I apologize that we missed you during the holiday season, we took a holiday break from December 22nd - January 1st. You can reach us at our office at 813-983-9839 or at our email which is info@pardiniguns.com. 



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Reliable contact information for Pardini? Empty Re: Reliable contact information for Pardini?

Post by Ghillieman 1/5/2019, 12:38 am

A light strike could be the result of the cartridge not being fully chambered and the breech face not providing sufficient support for the firing pin. Try cleaning the chamber very well.
Also, fire control group problems with the Pardini, always suspect the buffer may have broke apart and fell into the housing. Remove the buffer and examine it, if a piece is missing flush the fcg to find it.

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