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Modifying AW93 Grips

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Modifying AW93 Grips Empty Modifying AW93 Grips

Post by ddivins Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:05 pm

I think the stock grips on my AW93 are a bit thick for me. Also, it seems pretty tight on the base of my thumb.

As these grips are pricey and hard to get, I am nervous about hacking at them.

Any pointers on sanding the finger grooves and thumb channel?



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Modifying AW93 Grips Empty Re: Modifying AW93 Grips

Post by SMBeyer Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:10 am

I use a Dremel tool with a sanding drum and finish by hand sanding with 220 to smooth out and blend everything.

1. Make sure that you remove the grip from the pistol. You don't want grit and dust getting down inside everything.

2. Go slow and test for fit frequently. I know it's a pain putting the grip on and off constantly but you don't want to get carried away with removal of material.

3. When you think you are getting close quit. Shoot it like that for a bit before you decide to take that last bit of material off. Yes you can always add putty but if you are trying to keep the original look you don't want to go too far. It's really easy to go too far but by working slow quiting before you think it is there you will be sure of that last little bit.

4. If the AW grips don't have a film finish such as poly or something similar and just an oil finish after finish sanding with the 220 I wipe Danish oil stain on the raw wood. I use natural colored stain that has no pigment and it blends nicely.

5. Did I mention to go slow and check progress often? If I didn't, go slow and check progress often.

If the grip does have an oil finish it will load the sanding drum quickly and it will stop removing material and want to burn. I use a gum rubber stick for cleaning sanding discs,belts to clean it. If you don't have such a thing an old soft soled shoe might also work or possibly an eraser.

That's how I do it. Hope this helped, Scott

Also use a pencil to draw what you want to remove. Without a line to work too you won't know how much material you are removing and where you are removing it from.

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Modifying AW93 Grips Empty Re: Modifying AW93 Grips

Post by DavidR Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:40 pm

When your done you can add back the stippling with a electric engraving tool set on high.

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