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Revolver Barrels

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Revolver Barrels Empty Revolver Barrels

Post by mprince 12/26/2018, 2:50 pm

I have a Performance Center 625 45 ACP.  The one with the semi lugged barrel and hideous grips.  When I got it, the trigger was horrible, S&W took it back gave it an incredible trigger job and while they had it, I had them put a wide target trigger and wider hammer on it.  I can't get my money back out of it, but if it was 5" or 6 " barreled, I would keep it forever.  Do 5" Stainless 45 barrels exist for the N-Frame?  Is it best to send to the Performance Center to get this done or is there a particular Revolver smith that would likely have an NOS barrel to do the work?

Question 2.  I saw a recent post where someone had an NOS 6" barrel put on their K Frame.  Where is the best place to have this done or get the barrel itself?

Thanks for any info.  I have a spare K frame (M15, I think) with a 4" barrel collecting dust and would like to shoot it.


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Revolver Barrels Empty Re: Revolver Barrels

Post by 285wannab 12/26/2018, 3:21 pm

Can't you have a qualified gunsmith cut the end of barrel to the length your looking for?  And then fix the front sight.


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Revolver Barrels Empty Re: Revolver Barrels

Post by Sc0 12/26/2018, 4:17 pm

I think I have the same PC625, S&W did have the same Revolver with a 5" barrel available.  If you can source this special 5" PC barrel, the swap will be pretty easy for a Revolver Smith.  I have seen the 5" PC revolvers on GunBroker sometime back but do not remember when the factory produced them. It "can" be rebarreled with a factory N-frame .452 barrel BUT will need to be performed by a gunsmith as it will need machining to fit the shorter PC cylinder.  An alternative would be to swap the cylinder and barrel from a 625, still a gunsmith fit but will be easier to perform.

Different options, best bet would be to grab a 5" 625 or 25.


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Revolver Barrels Empty Re: Revolver Barrels

Post by james r chapman 12/26/2018, 4:28 pm

you might contact Joe Leininger, Mojo custom guns

in Michigan, he's been working on PPC guns for decades and might have the barrel you want laying around.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Revolver Barrels Empty Re: Revolver Barrels

Post by mprince 12/26/2018, 7:18 pm

Sounds good, thanks for the info.


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Join date : 2012-12-24

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Revolver Barrels Empty Re: Revolver Barrels

Post by DA/SA 12/26/2018, 7:47 pm

If you find a 6" barrel for your model 15 and would like to find a home for the 4" barrel, please let me know, as I would be interested in it.


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Revolver Barrels Empty Re: Revolver Barrels

Post by mprince 12/26/2018, 7:54 pm

I will, but I am not really sure the condition on it.  I got a Model 14 6" full underlug a few months after I got it and that is what I shoot for DR.

On another note, I did find that that PC model with a 5.25" barrel was the 625-7.  I am going to see if S&W has any of these barrels left.


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Revolver Barrels Empty Re: Revolver Barrels

Post by willnewton 12/27/2018, 4:37 am

There are plenty of barrels on gunbroker and ebay in various conditions. You will still need a gunsmith. Revolver barrels are not drop in parts.

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