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S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL

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S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL Empty S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL

Post by GerhardG Sun Dec 30, 2018 8:42 pm

I own a S&W 29-3 8 3/8 in. The sight radius is over 10 in and not legal. Sad! Like the feel and action of the S&W 627 so I assume other models would be as good. perhaps the 629 performance center with a weighted barrel? Or a similar in 38 special?
 The Manuhrin Korth is out of my willingness monetarily. Suggestions for current production revolvers for bullseye would be very welcome.
 Thank you in advance


Posts : 88
Join date : 2018-07-30
Age : 70

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S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL Empty Re: S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL

Post by LenV Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:04 pm

Use it for Reeves matches. Perfectly legal. You could even use it for CF matches. I have a lot of light loads worked up/down for mine.


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S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL Empty Re: S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL

Post by GerhardG Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:26 pm

Me bad. Misread the rules you are right. I'll just keep what I have.
Thank you


Posts : 88
Join date : 2018-07-30
Age : 70

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S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL Empty Re: S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL

Post by Sc0 Sun Dec 30, 2018 10:26 pm

I know you mentioned for Bullseye but, it is not legal for NRA Distinguished Revolver.  Which is perfect if you want to go shopping for a legal revolver with double action and a maximum barrel length of 6.5" that fires .38spl.


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Join date : 2013-12-29
Location : Houston, TX

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S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL Empty Re: S&W 29-3 to replace with a new version in .44 or .38 SPL

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