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putting optics on a high standard

mike b
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putting optics on a high standard  Empty putting optics on a high standard

Post by mike b 9/27/2012, 10:19 am

I am trying to restart my bullseye shooting. I have a trophy high standard that I am wanting to put a red dot on. I have been told that the high standard is not built for an optic sight. I have the older type pistol. Can anyone help to point me in the right direction.

mike b

Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-09-27

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putting optics on a high standard  Empty Re: putting optics on a high standard

Post by Al 9/27/2012, 10:57 am

Lebanon Screw Products (LSP) makes match barrels and bases for the high standards in both steel and aluminum (with a steel liner). They make for both the button take down and the screw on, although the screw on they only do periodically. The chambers are cut for CCI standard velocity and are as accurate or better than the originals.

I have both steel and aluminum and find myself preferring the aluminum unless the wind is really moving.

Another option a buddy of mine did, is to have your existing barrel drilled and tapped for a removable base. Less expensive, but it would ruin any collectors value yours might have.

Good luck and welcome back.


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putting optics on a high standard  Empty Re: putting optics on a high standard

Post by Rob Kovach 9/27/2012, 9:42 pm

volquartzen has replacement barrel that has a scope mount installed. It works on any push button High Standard: https://www.volquartsen.com/tags/5-barrels,28-high-standard

Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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putting optics on a high standard  Empty Re: putting optics on a high standard

Post by Wes Lorenz 9/28/2012, 2:00 am

mike b wrote: I am trying to restart my bullseye shooting. I have a trophy high standard that I am wanting to put a red dot on. I have been told that the high standard is not built for an optic sight. I have the older type pistol. Can anyone help to point me in the right direction.

Hi Mike,
BME & AL Marvel make very nice mounts for older High Standards. I had BME make me a beautiful custom mount for a Clark HS that we took the Bomar iron sight rib off of.
Hope this helps.


Wes Lorenz

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putting optics on a high standard  Empty Re: putting optics on a high standard

Post by s1120 9/28/2012, 8:39 am

The High Standards I have I got from my Dad. One has a scope on it, and he had the barrel drilled. As was said... that will hurt collector value.. but this was all done back in the 60's-70's before that was a issue...


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putting optics on a high standard  Empty Re: putting optics on a high standard

Post by Rob Kovach 9/28/2012, 8:55 am

There are so many high standards out there--If you plan on shooting the thing until you are no longer able, it's not going to be that 100% safe queen anyway. I say drill it however you want and if you ever do sell it, sell it to anothe BE shooter--not a collector. To that buyer the drilling and mount is value added--not subtracted.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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putting optics on a high standard  Empty Re: putting optics on a high standard

Post by BE Mike 9/28/2012, 10:28 am

When I was still shooting High Standards, I bought an LSP Alumalite barrel and a LSP scope mount from Brownells. It will cost about $185.00 plus shipping nowadays. This is a very good option IMHO. My barrel was more accurate than the original. It was an easy install and there are no modifications necessary to the original pistol.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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putting optics on a high standard  Empty Re: putting optics on a high standard

Post by Wes Lorenz 9/28/2012, 12:37 pm

BME makes both screw-on and clamp-on type mounts.
I agree the LSP or Falcon aluminum barrels are the cats meow and shot some real high scores with one until the frame cracked. Then made the mistake of getting a 208s, been downhill ever since.

Wes Lorenz

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