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Revolver shooting

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Revolver shooting Empty Revolver shooting

Post by Paper-Puncher 9/30/2012, 8:18 pm

Range today...After a 275 with the .22 I moved the targets back to 25yds for some short course revolver shooting.....84 & 87 slow fire ...not bad ....92 timed fire ...I'm still ok with that.....rapid fire oh my god what a mess...try'd it single action and double action ..I either ran out of time or I shot all over the target.....target look'd like crap...didnt even score it and just pitch'd in in the circular file.......one thing for sure spend some time with a wheel gun and everthing else seems easy.....


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Join date : 2011-09-22
Age : 59
Location : Ohio

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Revolver shooting Empty Re: Revolver shooting

Post by Virgil Kane 10/1/2012, 8:47 am

I shoot my 22 revolver outside in BE matches all the time. I shoot rapid fire single action and I'm usually in the 90's. It may not be the best way but I never run out of time and it seems easier to do the more matches I shoot. I have found (like the pro's say) keep the front sight in focus and everthing else is easy!


Virgil Kane

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Join date : 2011-06-10

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Revolver shooting Empty Re: Revolver shooting

Post by Steve B 10/1/2012, 2:41 pm

Keep that DA trigger moving and focus on the front sight.

Steve B

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Location : Elkhart, IN

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Revolver shooting Empty Re: Revolver shooting

Post by Paper-Puncher 10/1/2012, 5:02 pm


Oh man shoot it double....As much as I dont want to I will need to do it that way for aleast awhile...Ive got some loading and dry firing to do before next wkend.....


Posts : 321
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Age : 59
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Revolver shooting Empty Re: Revolver shooting

Post by Steve B 10/1/2012, 7:23 pm

I've got smaller hands and did much better DA than SA. Usually shoot mid to upper 90's in sustained fire after learning how to.

Steve B

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Location : Elkhart, IN

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Revolver shooting Empty Re: Revolver shooting

Post by Jerry Goldfarb 10/3/2012, 9:27 am

Steve B wrote:I've got smaller hands and did much better DA than SA. Usually shoot mid to upper 90's in sustained fire after learning how to.

Small hands here as well. Had Joe from Brush Creek Guns bob and skeletonize my hammer so I HAVE to shoot DA. Have a 5# pull. :-)
Jerry Goldfarb
Jerry Goldfarb

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Age : 86
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