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Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless

WVBE Shooter
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Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless Empty Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless

Post by WVBE Shooter 10/2/2012, 7:34 pm

After doing a lot of research and talking with shooters, I decided on the MKIII Competition Slab Side. I paid $520 which seemed like a good deal. Cant wait to get to the range.

WVBE Shooter

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Join date : 2012-10-02

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Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless Empty Re: Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless

Post by ddivins 10/2/2012, 9:14 pm

Congrats. Now the fun starts. Change the trigger and a few other things and that's a great piece.



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Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless Empty Re: Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless

Post by Paper-Puncher 10/3/2012, 11:45 am

Ive got a 5.5 target and a 678 Tapered target...Dont have much trouble shooting in the 275-282 range....I know the guns are capabil of better ...now if the nut behind the trigger could get it together I would expect 285-290 ....I'd say you got a pretty good deal on it...I think I paid close to that for my 5.5 stainless..........have fun.


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Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless Empty Re: Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless

Post by DavidR 10/3/2012, 2:23 pm

Great starter gun or with a little work you can take it all the way to high master. I have the same gun except a MKll, with a new trigger and a handful of parts it is a tack driver. Clark and Vorquartsen will be your new friends. They carry whats needed to slick them up.

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Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless Empty Re: Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless

Post by WVBE Shooter 10/3/2012, 6:19 pm

Any opinions on Clark or Volquartsen? Is one better than the other?

WVBE Shooter

Posts : 90
Join date : 2012-10-02

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Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless Empty Re: Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless

Post by Paper-Puncher 10/3/2012, 9:25 pm

Ive never used any of the clark stuff myself. I have the Volquartsen trigger, sear , and sear spring in both my guns...I dont think you can go wrong with either vender....


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Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless Empty Re: Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless

Post by ChrisD46 10/9/2012, 6:24 pm

Paper Puncher : Which MRKIII that you own do you like better in terms of balance , feel and score better with : The 5.5 Target or the 678 Slab Side Target ?


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Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless Empty Re: Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless

Post by Rob Kovach 10/9/2012, 7:36 pm


I moved away from a 5.5 target due to the steep grip angle. I just couldn't get a good hold at that angle. If Ruger is how you want to roll, try the 5.5 22/45 that has the 1911 grip angle. IMO the 678 slab side target has even more front end weight--making dropping the wrist down even easier. The 5.5 is very accurate, I don't think the extra barrel length on the 678 offers anything but a more front weighted balance and more weight.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless Empty Re: Finally...I decided on the MKIII Competition Stainless

Post by Paper-Puncher 10/9/2012, 8:37 pm

Chris D46

I have the Tapered Target 6 7/8 ...which is no longer offered....I like my 5.5 and tapered equally well ...I shoot the 5.5 with a dot and the 6 7/8 is shoot with open sights...which is the only reason I have 2 rugers....the 5.5 and the 6 7/8 are eqaully accurate...the only plus of the 6 7/8 is when you use it open sight as it has a longer sight radius.....I naturally score better with the 5.5 as it has a dot on it....but my open sight shooting is only 5-7 points behind and gaining ground all the time.....I also shoot my revolver open sighted.....The grip angle is really a non issue for me...I can shoot my .22's or my .45 and my hand just adjusts....I dont care for the 22/45 at all ...if I where to go that route I have another lower I could get a MArvel for....but my next gun will hopefully be a .32......drool....drool....the 6 7/8 bull barrel doesnt balance like the 5.5 does....and the 5.5 and the 6 7/8 tapered are pretty much interchangeable....as far as weight and balance go....I like both of my Rugers and have zero complaints ...I need to rebuild one of my magizines and its probably about time to replace the recoil spring in the 5.5....but other than that they will shoot at a master or High master score level..but I just havent got them there yet:lol!:


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