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Wad gun custom holster

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Wad gun custom holster Empty Wad gun custom holster

Post by tvphotog 1/30/2019, 4:56 pm

This post is for you guys who don't carry a bullseye pistol box to competitions. I shoot with a Colt.45 1911 GI model and a Nelson Custom .22 slide and magazines. I can carry most everything else in a backpack and don't use a wooden or aluminum box.
I've found the easiest way to do this is to have a holster for the 1911 with its Marvel rail and Ultradot. I had a custom leather holster made for that configuration. I've been using it for a year with complete satisfation.

PM for details.
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Posts : 36
Join date : 2018-03-11

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Wad gun custom holster Empty Re: Wad gun custom holster

Post by mpolans 1/30/2019, 11:11 pm

Or you could also get any number of USPSA/IPSC holsters that hold the gun by the trigger guard.


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Wad gun custom holster Empty Re: Wad gun custom holster

Post by tvphotog 1/31/2019, 7:07 am

mpolans wrote:Or you could also get any number of USPSA/IPSC holsters that hold the gun by the trigger guard.
I've seen those. This is not a race gun. There is a certain amount of tradition to bullseye shooting, a one hundred year old gun, etc. I didn't want a modern, plastic holster, and I wanted more coverage and security along the gun, more than just a trigger guard hold.

Also, the plastic holsters are not cut for the added height of a scope rail.


Posts : 36
Join date : 2018-03-11

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Wad gun custom holster Empty Re: Wad gun custom holster

Post by joy2shoot 1/31/2019, 8:16 am

For whatever it is worth, I do use a range box but I do not transport/carry my guns in the box because I don't think the box holds them securely enough.  The guns get transported/carried in a pistol rug.  The bulkier guns, such as the Pardini, get a larger rug than my 1911.

Also, as strange as this may seem, I belong to a club where if you holster carry and then pull the gun to use (in training, practice, match, etc) you will be asked to leave as the club has very strict rules on how a handgun that is to be used can be brought onto club property.


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Wad gun custom holster Empty Re: Wad gun custom holster

Post by tvphotog 1/31/2019, 9:19 am

My club has stipulations that the firearm must be in your possession at all times during your presence in the club. That's why everyone carries their weapon in a holster. We have very strict requirements, however, if you draw your gun from The holster that you must immediately check the action and leave the slide retracted or the cylinder released when showing the gun to others in the club. I think these rules are very important and would not feel comfortable being at a range without such constraints.


Posts : 36
Join date : 2018-03-11

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Wad gun custom holster Empty Re: Wad gun custom holster

Post by mpolans 2/1/2019, 7:50 pm

tvphotog wrote:
mpolans wrote:Or you could also get any number of USPSA/IPSC holsters that hold the gun by the trigger guard.
I've seen those. This is not a race gun. There is a certain amount of tradition to bullseye shooting, a one hundred year old gun, etc. I didn't want a modern, plastic holster, and I wanted more coverage and security along the gun, more than just a trigger guard hold.

Also, the plastic holsters are not cut for the added height of a scope rail.

Might be a 100 year old gun, but with trigger parts that only date back about 50 years, and scope technology that is only about 35 years.
To each their own, but I wouldn't feel too bad about putting the gun in a holster based on 25 year old technology, and I don't see how the height of a scope rail is relevant to a holster like the one below.

Wad gun custom holster MHO3eT

Last edited by mpolans on 2/2/2019, 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2016-05-27

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Wad gun custom holster Empty Re: Wad gun custom holster

Post by john bickar 2/1/2019, 9:45 pm

That's pretty cool; I mean, you never know when you're going to have to shoot Greedo.
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Wad gun custom holster Empty Re: Wad gun custom holster

Post by Vociferous 2/2/2019, 6:14 am

Greedo didn't shoot first!  I hate PC.


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