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Testing 32Long bullets for the short line?

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Testing 32Long bullets for the short line? Empty Testing 32Long bullets for the short line?

Post by gregbenner Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:59 pm

The following if from another thread, I wanted to start one specifically for the 32 long wadcutter.

"Ive been planning to do some 25yard RR testing for 32 long bullets. There seem to be only a limited number of bullets that will shoot accurately for the long line, there are a number of threads on this. However, the bullets to do this with are not easily/generally available, and for some (many?), a majority of shooting is done at 25. 

So, the plan would be to compare some of the less accurate LL bullets at the the SL. I am thinking both swaged and cast bullets which I would reload, as well as some examples of factory loaded cartridges.

I’ve got RR inserts for my GSP, Pardini and Matchgun?"

I would appreciate any feedback and/or ideas as to whether there is any interest, and if so, what to test?  


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