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.32acp setup on Dillon 650

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.32acp setup on Dillon 650 Empty .32acp setup on Dillon 650

Post by carykiteboarder Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:01 am

All of this information is already spread across the forum but I had a request to bring it together.  This is for Hornady XTP 60gr JHP bullets which are .311".

I use the CNC Machined 650 Toolhead with clamped option available from UniqueTek. (SKU T1333-6C)

Station 1: Hornady Custom Grade New Dimension Nitride Full Length Sizer Die (311).  Hornady #046507
Station 2: Hornady Powder Die using "PhotoEscape" powder funnel.  I use .3145" expander with cowl.  Spacers used are .75" & .625".
Station 3: Mr. Bulletfeeder bullet dropper.  (See note below)
Station 4: Hornady Custom Grade Neew Dimension Bullet Seater Die 32 ACP (311).  Hornady #044113.  Also, Hornady Microjust Seating Stem.  Hornady #044090
Station 5: Redding Taper Crimp Die.  Redding #85220

Because of the small charges, you need an extra small powder bar.  Dillon #20780.  With that bar I also use the Micrometer Powder Bar Kit (SKU T1231) from UniqueTek.  They offer the Arredondo Powder Drop Slide with Micrometer (SKU T1267)

Before trying to adjust any dies, make sure your casefeeder and shellplate feed, drop, cycle and eject cases.  I had some sanding/polishing to do at station 1 and ejection.  At Station 1, be sure the cases get fully inserted into the shellplate without tipping.  Tolerances are tight and you'll crush cases if they don't enter the sizer cleanly.  At Station 2, adjust the two-step expander for just enough second step expansion to hold the bullet upright.  Don't expand too deeply!  Do this adjustment without the cowl installed so you can see the case expansion.  When it's right, install the cowl.
Bullet seating and crimping are routine.

Using a bullet feeder was a huge help for me.  Initially, I bought a Mr. Bulletfeeder Mini in Rifle (.308) caliber.  I was able to modify the dropper to work using common tools (hacksaw, file, Lyman case reamer).  The six-tube "magazine" holds 208 of the 60gr bullets.  Later, Mr. Rick Koskela, original inventor of Mr. Bulletfeeder, was kind enough to make me a caliber conversion kit for the full Mr. Bulletfeeder.

When switch calibers to .32acp, I insert the CNC toolhead and start the threaded clamping pins but leave them loose.  I insert cases in all five stations and raise the shellplate so all five cases are in the dies.  Then I snug the clamping pins to preserve case/die alignment.


Posts : 182
Join date : 2014-10-29
Location : North Carolina

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.32acp setup on Dillon 650 Empty Re: .32acp setup on Dillon 650

Post by Hammer457 Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:16 am

Thanks for the sharing the setup!


Posts : 35
Join date : 2018-08-21

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