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My turning target pictures.

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My turning target pictures. Empty My turning target pictures.

Post by JLK 10/13/2012, 4:11 pm

Finally, some pix of my turning target I mentioned in the thread re:recorded range commands.
My turning target pictures. Attachment
PA110001a.jpg The first one is of the frame and actuator that was a W.W. Grainger item. The Allen wrench in the top left corner is there to hold the target in the faced position for storage.You don't have permission to download attachments.(65 Kb) Downloaded 9 times
My turning target pictures. Attachment
PA110002a.jpg The second pix is again of the frame showing the target I dry fire against. It's a 10 meter air pistol target reduced for 5 meters. At the distance I am "shooting" from in the basement it appears smaller than the black in one of our bullseye targets atYou don't have permission to download attachments.(65 Kb) Downloaded 6 times
My turning target pictures. Attachment
PA110003a.jpg The front of the control boxYou don't have permission to download attachments.(74 Kb) Downloaded 4 times
My turning target pictures. Attachment
PA110004a.jpg Back of the control boxYou don't have permission to download attachments.(70 Kb) Downloaded 3 times
My turning target pictures. Attachment
PA110005a.jpg Inside of the control box. Sorry I don't have a schematic or drawings.You don't have permission to download attachments.(83 Kb) Downloaded 5 times

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My turning target pictures. Empty Re: My turning target pictures.

Post by Ed Hall 10/17/2012, 9:26 am

That looks like the Granger solenoid I mentioned in your other thread.

Take Care,
Ed Hall
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Ed Hall

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