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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by Founder 2/15/2019, 4:14 pm

I spoke with NRA Director of Competitions Cole McCulloch this week and he confirmed to me that NRA Pistol Manager Karie Thomas has resigned. Those duties have been transferred to Beth Martin who's title is "Pistol Coordinator". Beth has been handling operations for pistol and has been a great resource for our match directors and our sport for a number of years now.

Also a topic of conversation was the inability for competitors to find NRA sanctioned matches, leagues, or activities on the internet. Cole stated that a new software solution should be ready to go live at the end of February. The software is supposed to include a searchable match database, a competitor account profile for each competitor, and tools for match directors. I'm looking forward to seeing the new software.

I'm also pleased to report that Cole hopes to have more frequent communications with me in an effort to better provide insight of NRA's work in support of our sport. It's my intent to keep those lines of communication open to keep the bullseye community informed.

-Rob Kovach


Last edited by Founder on 2/15/2019, 5:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by Aprilian 2/15/2019, 4:45 pm

Founder wrote:Also a topic of conversation was the inability for competitors to find NRA sanctioned matches, leagues, or activities on the internet. Cole stated that a new software solution should be ready to go live at the end of February. The software is supposed to include a searchable match database, a competitor account profile for each competitor, and tools for match directors. I'm looking forward to seeing the new software.

-Rob Kovach

That sounds remarkably similar to Richard's website https://precisionshootingmatches.com/

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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by Wobbley 2/15/2019, 5:01 pm

Did they identify the author and purpose of these two polls recently?

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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by Founder 2/15/2019, 5:04 pm

I'm a huge fan of www.precisionshootingmatches.com and if NRA's product fails to launch, I would hope that they would consider using the PSM software which is already running successfully. I did discuss the Precision Shooting Matches software with Cole as well, and while he seemed confident that the NRA software would be successful, he wasn't dismissive of the Precision Shooting Matches platform that is already running and performing well.

As far as the surveys are concerned. I posted those on Karie's request. I'm assuming that she was the author.

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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by cdrt 2/15/2019, 11:03 pm

Karie was in the process of correcting the errors in the Precision Pistol rule book.  She was going to send me a copy to proof read when she was done. I'll send an email to Beth and see if that project has died or is still in the works.

Last edited by cdrt on 2/16/2019, 8:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by Founder 2/15/2019, 11:24 pm

Thank you for offering to do that. I'm certain that Beth will be able to help.

If the corrections haven't been made yet, just offer to do it for them. Go ahead and make some of the rule changes that we've been asking for while you at it!

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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by cdrt 2/16/2019, 8:35 am

Founder wrote:Thank you for offering to do that. I'm certain that Beth will be able to help.

If the corrections haven't been made yet, just offer to do it for them. Go ahead and make some of the rule changes that we've been asking for while you at it!
I'll get in touch with you, if and when it happens, so we can fix it.

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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by CR10X 2/17/2019, 9:13 pm

So, can anyone with a contact there find out when registration will be posted or opened for any of the "National Championships" they have listed on the newly designed website?  

Clicking on any of the matches (even the SSUSA listings) takes you to a nice new page with everything except a place to sign up / register.  Even just a space saying "check here later for registration" would be big help.  At least you would know you were on the right page.  

Maybe just a little note on when registrations might be opened or anything would  help.  

Thanks / CR


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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by inthebeech 2/18/2019, 5:57 am

Any news on whether the idea of going to an 1800 is getting any traction?  I complete their survey a while ago.
And has there ever been any discussion on separation of classifications in to Optic/electronic and Iron?
At my club the newer shooters that are showing up at our indoor league, seem very interested in both of these ideas.

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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by CR10X 2/18/2019, 6:24 am

You can already get classification as open or metallic (iron).


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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by inthebeech 2/26/2019, 12:00 pm

Just a follow up now that I've gotten a chance to read the rules (May 2018 edition).  It looks like "Divisions" are established that separate out Open from Iron (Sect 3.2) but these are for purposes of grouping competitors for awards at specific events only.  Correct me if I'm wrong but I see nothing within the classification section of the rules (19.15) indicating that one's classification will be specific to open or irons; in other words my card would not distinguish.  Can someone clarify?  I have no personal experience as my prior classification was long ago before dots were popular and I am only now in the middle of my first registered indoor league after a considerable gap in time.

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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by CR10X 2/26/2019, 1:42 pm

Not in the classification section, see equipment section for division information. 3.2(c)

Yes, you will get card for classification for recognized division(s) when you have the appropriate number of shots / scores sent in for that division.  Otherwise there would be no way to place the competitor in the proper classification for that division. 

But remember that scores are sent in for the entire tournament.  And if you shoot multiple divisions in a tournament, you will be placed in the highest division.  For example, if you shoot .22 Open for the .22 Aggregate (or even just one match), metallic for CF Agg and metallic for .45 Agg in a 2700 match (really a tournament); your scores should be compiled as Open by the match officials.

And you have to be sure the match officials are actually having a sanctioned tournament and the results are being reported. 



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Changes in the NRA Pistol Department Empty Re: Changes in the NRA Pistol Department

Post by inthebeech 2/28/2019, 7:26 am

Shouldn't Sect 19.6 then read 19.6.a.1 Outdoor Open,  19.6.a.2 Outdoor Iron,  19.6.b.1 Indoor Open, and 19.6.b.2 Indoor Iron?  I think so.

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