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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base

Jon Eulette
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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Empty Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base

Post by Dipnet 2/26/2019, 11:13 am

I've switched from an Matchdot II to an Aimpoint H-1 using the Kodiak Machine base designed for the Pardini SP and its adios to all the issues of creeping mounts with 32 ACP recoil. The Kodiak mount is very low, which I prefer, and the mounting "feet" are relatively long and sharply angled to fit the narrow groove on the Pardini frame. Kudos to Fred Totts. And there's more: if you mount the base as far back as possible on the frame, you can remove the base for EIC matches and reinstall and the zero remains virtually unchanged.

I "zeroed" my scope to 22 SV rounds and used red paint to denote elevation changes for 32 ACP (26 clicks 'up' for equivalent of Hornady load, i.e., 950 to 1000 fps, and 19 clicks load with 62-gr LSWC bullet sold by Travis Bullets (listed as 60 grains by latter). I used same red paint to mare one of the round depressions used by elevation cap to raise or lower sight (see attached). I really liked the Matchdot II because one could zero the elevation and easily change settings between loads. However, the sight's dot became an oblique dash when turned on and would only return to a dot when sight warmed up (or was on for some time). Frustrating during winter months. So I took the Aimpoint off my back-up wad gun and am so glad I did.

I'm attaching a reference chart taped inside gun box and an image showing mount and elevation settings. Cheers, dipnet
Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Attachment
Pardini_Aimpoint H-1 Settings.pdf Load and elevation settingsYou don't have permission to download attachments.(41 Kb) Downloaded 61 times
Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Attachment
Kodiak Aimpoint mount.jpg You don't have permission to download attachments.(62 Kb) Downloaded 56 times

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Join date : 2014-06-09
Location : Gainesville, Florida

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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Empty Re: Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base

Post by Jon Eulette 2/26/2019, 11:45 am

Thanks for sharing. Yes the Aimpoint click adjustments are very minute and requires making gross/large sighting adjustments. I’m still getting used to that after several years of using them.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Empty Re: Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base

Post by -TT- 2/26/2019, 1:37 pm

Yes, 1/2 MOA per click. Very precise, but very subtle. And for some reason, I often go the wrong way CW/CCW using the Aimpoint red tool. Rolling Eyes

Question about your chart, you don't indicate any .22 SV correction between 25 and 50 yards. Really?

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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Empty Re: Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base

Post by Jon Eulette 2/26/2019, 2:01 pm

I use same zero for both 50 and 25 with all my 22 pistols. Only if I’m tired do I make an elevation change/adjustment.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Empty Re: Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base

Post by Jwhelan939 2/26/2019, 8:15 pm

Crazy how different each gun can be. My cci sv and T&b lswc with your same vv load require zero adjustment at 25.


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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Empty Kodiak Aimpoint mount addendum

Post by Dipnet 3/1/2019, 12:11 am

Re data chart for various ammo, I barely experience drop (<3-4mm) with 22 SV between 25 and 50 yards, hence no change in elevation settings. If I am ever able to shoot well enough to revise chart specs for 22, it'll be free beer and bullets for all. Smile

Also, I should have mentioned that if you want to remove the Aimpoint for EIC matches, back-out and loctite the two set screws or leave them off the base. They are intended to act as a "lock washer" but are unnecessary because the mount feet are so well machined, and the set screws can mess-up maintaining zero when reinstalling the red dot. When reinstalling the Aimpoint mount, tighten the two hex screws to the point where you can slide the Kodiak mount along the frame grooves and move rear part of mount to about 2mm from the rearward end of frame groove, then alternatively snug hex screws. Be careful not to over-tighten.

The re-installed red dot may not be perfectly re-zeroed but it is very darn close and certainly good enough for competition. dipnet

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Location : Gainesville, Florida

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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Empty Re: Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base

Post by Marv Koler 3/6/2019, 8:14 pm

For the benefit of you Pardini owners who have both the 22 and 32 conversion and don't shoot EIC matches, I highly recommend purchasing two scope mounts and one additional scope. You can purchase the mounts from Pardini or Larry's Guns. It's my opinion that Pardini designed their pistol for open sight shooters and scope mounting was an afterthought. I have often told people that mounting a red dot on a basic Pardini was like mounting a cheap luggage rack on a Ferrari. It's a little expensive but worth the investment. 

Marv Koler

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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Empty Re: Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base

Post by neal77 3/7/2019, 1:59 pm

The only complaint I had with my Pardini was the scope rings they supply with the bullseye model 22. They would move in the dovetail no matter what I tried. I finally went with the Warne steel rings made for a Montana rifle #14BFM and have had no other issues.


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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Empty Aimpoint H-1, different model?

Post by Guest 3/24/2019, 10:42 pm

I searched for the Aimpoint H-1, but the models now available appear to be quite different from the one shown on your Pardini. Is the current model still recommended?


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Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base Empty Re: Kodiak Machine Pardini Aimpoint base

Post by dronning 3/25/2019, 12:42 am

radjag wrote:I searched for the Aimpoint H-1, but the models now available appear to be quite different from the one shown on your Pardini. Is the current model still recommended?
The one on his Pardini has shades added to it.  Get either Totts or Blackmass Custom (Jon Shue).  I like Jon's a little better plus they are easier to install.
- Dave

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