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Pistol Repair

Jack H
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Pistol Repair Empty Pistol Repair

Post by Jarhead1 3/3/2019, 11:40 am

I picked up a HS in early February and had the feed problems and jamming during my first session with it. So took the gun back to where I bought it and explained the situation, so he took it in for a repair. Well my gun has been at his shop going on 4 weeks now. Should I ask for my money back or continue to try and be patient.


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Pistol Repair Empty Re: Pistol Repair

Post by Wobbley 3/3/2019, 12:00 pm

Go back and collect it.  Then send it to Roddy Toyota, Jon Eulette or perhaps KC Crawford.  It is very likely that these are magazine issues.

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Pistol Repair Empty Re: Pistol Repair

Post by gregbenner 3/3/2019, 12:54 pm

HS don’t have a feed ramp.  They are rather famous for feeding issues.  Assuming gun is clean, etc., that is what I would look at first as well.  

If you know anyone with a functioning HS, I’d see if I could try one of their magazines.  If returning the gun is really an option, you might consider that, particularly if you don’t have access to a decent smith locally who can help you. There are special HS magazine adjusting tools, and if you go the the HS sub-forum on the the Rimfire  Central forum you will find lots of help on adjusting the magazines yourself (if you are handy).

PS.  I should add that when tuned properly the HS can be very reliable, after Jon E tuned my mags, I haven’t had any further issues.


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Pistol Repair Empty Re: Pistol Repair

Post by Jack H 3/3/2019, 6:14 pm

Pistol Repair Hs_fee10
Pistol Repair Feed1_10
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Pistol Repair Empty Re: Pistol Repair

Post by Founder 3/3/2019, 6:49 pm

Pistol Repair 20181110
Tuning HS mags isn't magic.

Stick to one kind of ammo. CCI SV is what I recommend. 

If the rounds are missing the chamber too high tighten the lips where I circled the photo.

If the rounds stall low, spread them out a little bit.

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Pistol Repair Empty Re: Pistol Repair

Post by SonOfAGun 3/3/2019, 7:04 pm

If you don't know the history of the gun, or to be confident that proper maintenance has been done, consider replacing the recoil spring. I just replaced mine last night and here's a comparison between the one that came out of the gun and the one that went in.
Pistol Repair Attachment
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Pistol Repair Empty Re: Pistol Repair

Post by chopper 3/4/2019, 10:26 am

This is another good website with HS info especially the military or 100 series pistols. http://www.histandard.info/Jim_Barta/
 If you aren't very sure of your skills with adjusting them or any work to be done on a gun, have a qualified gun smith do it. I'd have one versed in bullseye shooting do the work as mentioned earlier in this post.


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Pistol Repair Empty Re: Pistol Repair

Post by Jarhead1 3/4/2019, 5:37 pm

Thank you all for the great information, when I get the gun back I will have this to refer to.


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Pistol Repair Empty Re: Pistol Repair

Post by Paul M. 3/4/2019, 8:10 pm

SonOfAGun wrote:If you don't know the history of the gun, or to be confident that proper maintenance has been done, consider replacing the recoil spring. I just replaced mine last night and here's a comparison between the one that came out of the gun and the one that went in.
+1, I have mine replaced once a year.  I tuned my magazines for CCI SV and it runs like a clock and feeds Eley without any issues.
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Pistol Repair Empty Re: Pistol Repair

Post by mikemyers 3/4/2019, 8:41 pm

Another option - call Alan Aronstein at 'firearmsintl.com'.    You can reach him at  "Alan   at   the web address I just noted, or I can send you his phone number if you send me a PM.  He knows the guns inside and out, and got my all the parts I needed to get my own HS working much better.  He also has a lot of new HS parts available.

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