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HG 68 200 SWC LOAD

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HG 68 200 SWC LOAD Empty HG 68 200 SWC LOAD

Post by Sheriff1962 3/3/2019, 3:05 pm

Looking for advice on 200 grain SWC  load ideas . Something that works well for 25 and 50 yards.  My friend been loading for me 200 grain Missouri Bullet Co. 200 HG 68 over 4.0 of BE.  Just looking at other proven loads. Thank You.


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Join date : 2018-07-04

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HG 68 200 SWC LOAD Empty Re: HG 68 200 SWC LOAD

Post by Wobbley 3/3/2019, 3:35 pm

There seems to be a consensus.

3.8 gr for 25 yards;   4.2 for 50 yards.

Some use as light as 3.5 gr for 25 yards.

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Join date : 2015-02-12

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HG 68 200 SWC LOAD Empty Re: HG 68 200 SWC LOAD

Post by james r chapman 3/3/2019, 4:02 pm

james r chapman
james r chapman

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HG 68 200 SWC LOAD Empty Re: HG 68 200 SWC LOAD

Post by rreid 3/3/2019, 7:50 pm

4.0-4.2gr of WST or Titegroup will do the job

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HG 68 200 SWC LOAD Empty Re: HG 68 200 SWC LOAD

Post by LenV 3/3/2019, 10:46 pm

Wobbley wrote:There seems to be a consensus.

3.8 gr for 25 yards;   4.2 for 50 yards.

Some use as light as 3.5 gr for 25 yards.

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HG 68 200 SWC LOAD Empty Re: HG 68 200 SWC LOAD

Post by cdrt 3/4/2019, 8:27 am

I still use 3.5 grains of Bullseye for both the 25 and 50 yard line.  You just have to remember to come up 5 clicks for the 50 yard line from your 25 yard setting.  My best long line target so far is a 96-3x with a Range Officer that I tuned up.

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HG 68 200 SWC LOAD Empty Re: HG 68 200 SWC LOAD

Post by LenV 3/5/2019, 12:34 am

Because the sun was shining (42 degrees) and because I could. I shot 5rds of 4.2 and 5 rounds of 3.8 right on top of each other today. This was 25yds with no change in sights. It re-affirmed why I use 4.2 for the long line and 3.8 for the short. I will admit there is not much difference and this was a very small test but it was cold out. The top 5 in basically a small cluster was 4.2 the other 5 had the 2 flyers with another little 3 shot group. Perfectly fine for the short line but tighter group with 4.2.

HG 68 200 SWC LOAD 20190313
** I added this footnote for those fixated on powder loads to the hundredth place. Note that a decrease of .4 grs (10%) changed the POI from the top of the Xring to the middle of the Xring. At 25yds.

Posts : 4799
Join date : 2014-01-24
Age : 74
Location : Oregon

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HG 68 200 SWC LOAD Empty Re: HG 68 200 SWC LOAD

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