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Protective wrap like the new guns use

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Protective wrap like the new guns use Empty Protective wrap like the new guns use

Post by Multiracer 3/5/2019, 8:20 pm



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Protective wrap like the new guns use Empty Re: Protective wrap like the new guns use

Post by Black_Talon 3/5/2019, 9:16 pm

There's also these blue-colored VCI zip-lock bags too. Many sizes available, many that are perfect for storing handguns.

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Protective wrap like the new guns use Empty Re: Protective wrap like the new guns use

Post by joy2shoot 3/5/2019, 11:03 pm

Black_Talon wrote:There's also these blue-colored VCI zip-lock bags too. Many sizes available, many that are perfect for storing handguns.
Is there a URL?


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Protective wrap like the new guns use Empty Re: Protective wrap like the new guns use

Post by Bigtrout 3/6/2019, 7:42 am

I raid my wife's stash of parchment paper she uses to bake cookies and wrap my hanguns with a piece and store in the original boxes.  Seems to work fine.

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Protective wrap like the new guns use Empty Re: Protective wrap like the new guns use

Post by DA/SA 3/6/2019, 7:53 am

joy2shoot wrote:
Black_Talon wrote:There's also these blue-colored VCI zip-lock bags too. Many sizes available, many that are perfect for storing handguns.
Is there a URL?

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Protective wrap like the new guns use Empty Re: Protective wrap like the new guns use

Post by SonOfAGun 3/6/2019, 12:38 pm

Wrap in VCI, seal in VCI poly bag, might as well throw in a desiccant while you're at it.


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