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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by xringshooter Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:45 pm

Anybody use Vihtavuori N320 in .45 Auto reduced power loads for wad guns? I've been using 4.0 grains of Bullseye with both the 185 grain Nosler Custom Competition JHPs and the 185 grain Zero cast lead SWCHPs. Works good in both, but it is a dirty powder. I recently read an article (see below) that claims N320 is cleaner burning and also very accurate. If anyone is using it, any idea as to what is an equivalent charge for N320 to replicate a Bullseye load of 4.0 grains?


Bill Thibeault


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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Re: Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by AllAces Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:54 pm

Vihtavuori does not list a .45 load for N320. However, they do list loads for N310. I use 3.7 gr N310 with 200 gr LSWC for bullseye. Burns very clean and has nice snappy recoil.

I use N320 for my S&W Model 14 for DR matches. 158 gr LSWC and 3.3 gr N320. Not as fast as N310 which is about as fast as Clays, but very clean.

Last edited by AllAces on Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Re: Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by DavidR Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:34 pm

V-320 is designed for heavier bullets, it can be used with a 200 or 230 gr bullet. I ransomed some very accurate hardball loads using the a 230 fmj and 5 grs. V-310 is a much better bullseye powder, it loads about the same as bullseye. 3.8 gr for a 200 lswc and 4.0 for a 185 lswc gives very accurate results.

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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Re: Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by stevenorlando Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:57 am

Are there any loads for N320 with 185gr LSWC bullets? Anyone use that combo?



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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Re: Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by AllAces Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:49 am

I've loaded 4.0 gr N310 for 185 gr LSWCHP Zero bullets, but have not had a chance to get to the range to try them. 3.9 gr of Clays should give you about the same results.

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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Re: Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by stevenorlando Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:38 am

stevenorlando wrote:Are there any loads for N320 with 185gr LSWC bullets? Anyone use that combo?


I'm using N320, NOT N310 and 185gr LSWC bullets.


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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Re: Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by DavidR Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:15 pm

stevenorlando wrote:
stevenorlando wrote:Are there any loads for N320 with 185gr LSWC bullets? Anyone use that combo?


I'm using N320, NOT N310 and 185gr LSWC bullets.

The reason nobody is using v-320 with a 185 bullet is that it is a slower burning powder and it was designed to be used with heavier bullets. There is a reason the manufacture doesn't recommend using with lighter bullets, I dont know what it is but i would check into it before continuing to load it. I load v-320 to 5 grains with a 230 fmj and it is very accurate.

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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Re: Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by BrandonE Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:24 am

It's been a while since I have competed in bullseye, but I'm getting back into it. I've been shooting a lot of USPSA/IPSC, and use N320 exclusively when loading 147gr 9mm. That being said, several very accomplished bullseye shooter friends of mine recommended using N320 for my 185gr Zero/Nosler JHP load. Additionally, both Nosler and VV provide load data on their websites for N320 with 185gr projectiles:



It should be noted that the load data from the VV site specifically related to loading a Nosler 185gr JHP with N320 appears to have a typo in reference to the OAL. The site recommends an OAL of 1.130”, while the projectile sidewall only allows you to load to about 1.170”.

In my initial testing, I have had very good results between 5.4gr and 5.5gr of N320 at an OAL of 1.200”. I’m getting velocities from 770 to 815 fps, and standard deviations between 15 to 20. I’m using a Lee Factory Crimp Die, but I am applying very little to no crimp on Starline brass that has been loaded one to three times.

At 5.6gr, the velocity is 820+ fps and the group begins to open up a little. At 5.2gr the standard deviation is very high, and I’m getting some vertical stringing.

In my 5” 1/16 Kart barrel, it appears the sweet spot for me is 5.4gr (see attached photo, 10 Rounds at 50 yards off a bench rest). Just because it’s the “off season” and I enjoy this kinda stuff, I’m going to experiment a little my OAL with this load to see if I can get the SD under 10.
Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Attachment
5.4gr of N320.jpg 10 Rounds at 50 yards Off a Bench RestYou don't have permission to download attachments.(105 Kb) Downloaded 28 times


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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Re: Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by DavidR Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:32 am

great group, 1.200 is the recommended oal for the noslers. .469 for a crimp.

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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Re: Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by RJP Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:45 am

AllAces wrote:Vihtavuori does not list a .45 load for N320. However, they do list loads for N310. I use 3.7 gr N310 with 200 gr LSWC for bullseye. Burns very clean and has nice snappy recoil.

Vihta Vuori does list loads for 45 ACP using N320. I use N310 mainly because that is what everybody else is using and has a burn rate similar to Bullseye powder.

Actually, N320 is a better powder for Bullseye shooting because the charges fill the case more and you get more consistent ignition and the burn rate is similar to Clays. 

However, the powder we use is the one that produces the smallest groups.

And the talk goes on because opinions are like belly buttons, everybody has one!


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Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder Empty Re: Vihtavuori N320 Gunpowder

Post by DavidR Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:36 am

very good hardball load is 5.0 grains v-320 and a good 230 FMJ

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